Tool / Meta Puzzle / Theory: Camera Shifter

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Tool / Meta Puzzle / Theory: Camera Shifter

Post by Jutomi » Sun Jun 18, 2023 11:06 pm

Hello everyone! So this is a new level that you can play... :lol:

But it's not a joke level! It's actually a conjecture. A meta puzzle, if you will. An experiment, and also a tool (in theory).

Here is my question to you: How much can you do with this level set up? Feel free to post your hypothesis and/or findings and/or explanations in the thread; I will post my own explanation of what I've found later on, if no one else feels like writing anything definitive. :)
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Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
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Re: Tool / Meta Puzzle / Theory: Camera Shifter

Post by Jutomi » Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:49 am

Alrighty, so if you haven't figured this one out - don't worry, it took me some time, myself :lol:

So I have not made a video - and if I did, I'd have to explain it through talking, since it's rather involved. But I believe I can explain this with text, for the most part. Either way, it's pretty involved and flatout silly.

So, here is my conjecture: using only two sets of (quite) distant teleporters (say, white and green touching each other, and another white/green touching each other far away), one stinker, one exit (preferably next to the stinker), a whole load of open space between the two teleporter sets, and the menu... you can shift your player's camera any distance in any direction for any other level. :lol:

So, what is going on? Well, upon winning the level, you may notice that your camera is off. This is because, when the game exits the level (i.e. takes you to the level select screen), its camera is x/y-shifted off of the player. Actually, by the exact amount in the opposite direction from where it was relative to your stinker before you exited the level.

This alone is weird, but the key trick here is this: You can actually control when you exit the level, simply by hitting escape and hitting "back to level select" (or whatever that button is). This allows you to go back to the level select and reopen the same level with the camera adjusted to the exact position you wanted.

So, generally, what you want is a situation where the teleporters are 0 <<<< X (or Y) <<<< Y (or X). This allows you to have significant variability in both 2D dimensions, but also have significantly more variability in one direction than the other. I will get to that in a bit, although theoretically you could use the other teleporter/camera glitch (entering a teleporter immediately upon loading the level) to further Y adjust the camera... I'ven't tested this though. ;p

If you want to get something between your two teleporters - that's pretty simple. Just exit the level a fair bit after entering a teleporter, more effectively shortly before entering the other. However, most of these other tricks involve alternating between teleporters, and knowing when. It also involves a little bit of knowledge about "decay" and graph transformations (namely translations and mirroring).

So, first, if you exit the level immediately after entering the first teleporter, you will notice that your camera is actually over the other set. This is because your camera was over the original set, while your character was over the other set; upon reloading the level, the camera zooms to the exact opposite x/y coordinate, i.e. effectively swapping places with your character (in this level, Loof). What you can then do is enter the teleporter. If you exit the level immediately after - no, not the first teleporter, but the second teleporter (i.e. JUST after Loof goes missing from view), you then fling your camera in the opposite direction. This is because the same thing happened; your camera is mirroring where it was in relation to Loof when you exited the level. However, there is a difference; the camera is not simply over Loof, because this time Loof doesn't start where the camera used to be; Loof is starting where the camera was going to be. This allows you to move the camera the same distance in the opposite direction.

But wait! There's more - so much more! If you repeat this process of selecting a level after one "pop" and then two "pops" (i.e. alternating the parody of odd/even pop sounds you hear - although more than 2 will lead to more decay, see two paragraphs down), you can theoretically adjust your camera any distance along the line that intersects the two sets of teleporters (which you could think of as "dots" along a line). This allows you to go truly absurd distances. However, this is where "decay" and the desire to have inequal X/Y distances comes in: you can use this to change direction.

So, when you do this maneuver. you add +X and +Y to your camera's relative coordinate. However, the game's camera doesn't just not actually move fast enough to catch up with this change instantly (hence why this works in the first place), but it also only moves in 8 directions: up/down/left/right and diagonally, moving diagonally first until it has reached the shorter of the two distances, finishing the other one by going orthagonally. What this means is, since X >>>> Y (or vise versa, depending on your setup), you can actually cancel out some of your X/Y adjustments by intentionally undoing your progress as soon as the camera stops moving diagonally (or at least a good chunk of the way). You can do this by exiting the menu on the same parody as your previous teleport (i.e. if you just performed an odd-pop maneuver, do another odd-pop maneuver!)

This actually happens on its own, I believe, since a little bit of X/Y is automatically shaved off as you do your expanding maneuvers (since it's always going closer to where it's supposed to be, and you're trying to make it farther). It's not much, and not enough to on-its-own cancel out the shorter of the two values, but it is something to keep in mind when performing other maneuvers. This is what I mean when I refer to "decay"; it means that your camera changes likely won't be perfect, and this should especially be kept in mind when trying to perform advanced maneuvers that are not immediately increasing X/Y using the baseline maneuver.

Anyhow, because X/Y are being shaved down at roughly equal rates, but X >>>> Y, you can eventually have a scenario where Y = 0 - at least relative to one of the two teleporters; it may even appear between the two teleporters, i.e. Y is "negative", which you will actually want for other directions. Meanwhile, X is still >>>>> 0. (at least if you've expanded enough times.) Another trick you can do to further "decay" to Y=0 or negative is to allow your character to enter teleporters (i.e. "pop") multiple times, for which Y will briefly shimmy between the Y coordinates of the two teleporters sets. Now, what happens is Y is between the teleporter sets, but X is either far to the left of the left teleporter or far to the right of the right teleporter (or vise versa with a vertical setup), is you can flip and mirror to your heart's content.

What do I mean by this? Well, remember how you alternated popping parody to expand your X/Y coordinates before? Do the same thing again - and, sure enough, the same thing will happen! Sort-of. It's actually an involved process, but I'll try to explain.

So, more broadly, what is going on (not accounting for decay) is you are translating / mirroring depending on your parody. If you exit the level on an even parody, you flip the camera relative to Loof's starting position (in this case, the upper right). What happens when you exit the level on an odd parody is you do the same thing relative to the other teleporter, but also translate it by about the same X/Y amount as the distance from Loof's starting set and the other set. This means that you effectively translate this mirrored effect in the opposite direction. This is why you can expand your camera's view, but it also has further implications.

One of these implications is that, if you want to change your camera's direction to something perpendicular to your original expanding line, you may want to start on the left. Why? Because doing it on the right, your X will expand, but you Y will effectively cancel itself out due to translation. What you most likely want to do is have the camera far to the left. (Or, using another setup, whatever direction is away from the other teleporter.) You then perform an even-pop parody maneuver. This will flip your X/Y position relative to that starting location. Because there is no translation (and only minimal decay), you've actually just allowed Y to go back out of the teleporters. Depending on how much X you originally had, X may now be either negative itself, or also extend beyond both teleporter sets in the opposite direction.

Now, here's the strange part; you can do the same alternating pattern over and over again. But it does something strange; this still simply increases X/Y by the same amount. I hate to break it to you, but once you've crossed this X/Y threshold, you cannot immediately increase your distance in that same direction without doing the process over again. Instead, upon doing this method of alternating parody over and over again, you will expand X/Y the same way you did in the beginning. This means that, even if X and Y start out perpendicular (in both directions, since you have to mirror the coordinates to do this), your camera will essentially move in the same direction along two rays, parallel to your original line, moving out and out forever in the same direction.

That is, until decay gets ya in the end, and ultimately you have to restart the whole process over again.

So, what does this mean? Practically speaking, nothing; just use alt-shift-x or even just shift xD But theoretically, if you wanted to, you could expand your camera's direction infinitely in any direction you desire. Just note that if you want to go in the direction that has a shorter X/Y distance of the teleporter (in this case, Y, i.e. vertically), it's going to take substantially more work than expanding it in the direction of the longer X/Y distance to the teleporter. :lol:
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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Rainbow AllStar
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Re: Tool / Meta Puzzle / Theory: Camera Shifter

Post by Jutomi » Sat Jul 08, 2023 5:21 pm

In case that was still confusing, I tried to explain it again,
both in-game (Part 1) and via graph (Part 2).

Not sure if it helped but I felt like making them so ;p
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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