Full-Chasm Chase

Questions and solutions for Wonderland Adventures, Mysteries of Fire Island, and Planet of the Z-Bots.
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Full-Chasm Chase

Post by naenae36 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:05 am

Help! I am having trouble getting the scritter across the plant fire. I Can not figure out how many steps the scritter takes. Any suggestions would be nice.
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Post by janetgalle » Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:50 am

If you walk behind the scritter slowly, there should be 2 spaces between you and it. So to get thru the plant fire move 2 steps forward (Get the scritter between the plant fire in a safe spot) and then 1 step back.(So that you are in a safe spot also.) After the plants fire (You can walk thru the fire trail/tail) continue moving slowly forward and backwards til you get to the end. Use the same process when you get to the place where the fire shoots out of the floor.
Good Luck!

(I have a good friend RaeNae that I have always called naenae!)
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Post by naenae36 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:09 pm

Thank you so much I will try it.
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Post by elmopalooza » Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:12 am

I got past the first set of flowers. But how do I get to the coins? I can't get the scritter across before he is killed or me for that matter!
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Post by Erwin042 » Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:32 pm

elmopalooza wrote:I got past the first set of flowers. But how do I get to the coins? I can't get the scritter across before he is killed or me for that matter!

The reply from Janetgalle couldn't help you?
I'll repeated what Janetgalle wrote, but then in my own words in this spoiler.

move the scritter just before the fireline of the first fireflower.
now move the scritter 2 squares to the right.
The scritter has to moved after each fireline.
You have to return 1 step left, not to be killed.
So the scritter moves 2 squares to the right, you move 2 squares to the right, but then you step back 1 square to the left.
And repeat this till the you are out of the firelines.

After the fireflowers, there are gems and the red key for rescuing the scritter. Then you and the scritter must get passed the fireflowers.
Then a passage of fire. After this path, there's a big fireflower. And on the right there is a button that opens the chamber with the coins.
You'll need the scritter by the fireflower too. Cos the scritter is used on the yellow button to open up the yellow gate where the star is. First move to scritter on a yellow button and then return to collect the coins.
That's nearly it.
The only thing you have to do now is to figure out how you get passed.
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Post by elmopalooza » Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:43 pm

You don't understand. I can't get to the gems without dying! How can I get a scritter across when I can't even get me across without dying? You can't do it. I go past the first set of flowers. But I can't get around the corner to get to the gems.
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Post by Lillie » Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:07 pm

Move the scritter one tile to the right of where the fire is passing (save the game) - then a milli-second after the fire has gone past - RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!!! It is the only way to get both of you past! :roll:
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Post by Erwin042 » Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:34 pm

elmopalooza wrote:You don't understand. I can't get to the gems without dying! How can I get a scritter across when I can't even get me across without dying? You can't do it. I go past the first set of flowers. But I can't get around the corner to get to the gems.
I was completely wrong!! You've got trouble going to the coins!!!
I hadn't visualized where you were. I thought you had troubles getting the scritter passed the fireflowers.

Lillie has put it in words.
I put a screenshot with it and 1 hint
when this fireball has just passed, point towards the pointer is

I'll hope Lillie gave you the solution for your problem!
And? Finished this level now?
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Post by janetgalle » Sat Mar 31, 2007 9:59 pm

Remember you CAN walk through the fireballs trail. As soon as the ball part of the fireball passes, run!
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Post by elmopalooza » Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:01 pm

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