A Possible Hub: Cloudsong Hill

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Rainbow MegaStar
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A Possible Hub: Cloudsong Hill

Post by LittleZbot » Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:34 pm

Honestly, I do kind of feel bad for announcing/showcasing a possible hub that I've barely started working on and, given my track record, will probably give up on before too long, but I need this topic for certain reasons I'll state at the end.

Inspired by games such as Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, and Stardew Valley, Cloudsong Hill is/will be a town-simulation RPG in a similar style. After inheriting a piece of farmland, you move from the big city to your new little home and spend your time gaining money and and visiting different towns, among many other things. One major difference is that, as the concept of farming would be nearly impossible in the editor, you would be a merchant, buying and selling objects between towns to get your money. Like the games it's inspired by, Cloudsong Hill will have no definite end, but should be playable for at least 100 hours before you've done everything.

A couple planned aspects include:

-At least 5 Towns, each with about 40 normal houses (not including businesses) that you can explore and generally about 45 residents you can chat with and pick up sidequests from. I can get past the limit of having only 99 wlvs by putting multiple houses inside one wlv and just sending you to one section at a time.
-Unlockable video games, including the long-promised and forever-denied adventure "The Chocolate Coin of Doom"
-Random events, including festivals, plays, and market days
-A guild of thieves that you can either turn in or join
-A mineshaft with dozens of floors, each with its own challenges
-A casino filled with ways to waste money
-A monthly newspaper you can buy copies of and read
-Several sets of different collectibles
-A fully original, custom-made Soundtrack

I made this topic for five reasons, mainly:

-While technically not necessary, it'd be a whole lot easier to find the local tavern if there was a custom texture of one, instead of it looking the same as a hundred other houses. If you'd like to volunteer to make custom textures or models, it would be unbelievably helpful.
-While I have an abundance of ideas, I'm still working through them and weeding out the bad ones. As I want this hub to be rather huge, I want your ideas to replace my terrible ones. Please post any suggestions or ideas you have.
-I can never finish anything unless I have support from other people. I have kind of a weak will; if I keep smashing my head into a wall, I'll give up. I need you guys to help keep me from giving up.
-Having a topic I have to update semi-frequently helps keep me on track.
-If I end up abandoning this project, I still think it's a great idea and somebody else should really do it.

My current plan is to release the full thing sometime in 2017 and have a demo ready sometime in September. Yes, that is a long time, but this is planned to be rather huge. And if I have to cut some of the stuff I've planned, then I will be able to release it far earlier. This is just a rough estimate; don't rely too much on it.

I want to make this, as I'll hopefully be leaving for college next year, and I want to do something memorable with this editor before I leave.

Green: Finished
Orange: I've written out all the plans, but I've yet to implement it
Yellow: What I'm currently working on
Red: I haven't started yet

-Cloudsong Farm
-Your House
-Cloudsong Hill

-Harvest Road
-Little Grove

-Terris Cave
-Sleepy Hollow

-Razor Fields
-Settlement Harbor

-Inside of Houses


Little Grove:
-Inside of Houses


Sleepy Hollow:
-Inside of Houses

Settlement Harbor:
-Inside of Houses

-Inside of Houses

To Be Added

To Be Added

Video Games:
-Mr. Kthxbai's Quest
-The Chocolate Coin of Doom

-All-Star Brawlers

-Levels 1-10
-Levels 11-20
-Levels 21-30
-Levels 31-40
-Levels 41-50

Things I Can't Do Myself:

-Really Cool Enviroments

Random Other Things:
-Day/Night System



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To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
Discord: LittleZbot#3936
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Rainbow MegaStar
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Post by Wonderman109 » Mon Aug 01, 2016 12:43 am

Well, once I finish FNAS and get the hang of hubs themselves I might understand better how this is gonna work. Thank goodness for the new 999 dialog limit; otherwise, you'd never fit 45x10 dialogs in one hub. :lol:
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Re: A Possible Hub: Cloudsong Hill

Post by ALEXALEX976 » Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:55 pm

Great idea!
LittleZbot wrote:as the concept of farming would be nearly impossible in the editor

Two months ago I posted my mushroom farm demo which is a working farming mechanism you can take a look here http://www.pcpuzzle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=27101

I'm happy to help you create something similar for your hub if you want.

Good luck with your project! :)
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