Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by epicdude15 » Fri Oct 01, 2021 5:33 pm

Oh goodness, it's been a hot minute. Still remember coming here when I was a kid, asking the silliest questions haha. Good times. Really appreciated a game like this in my early childhood, glad the forum still exists! :stinkyhappy:
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by Wonderman109 » Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:40 pm

epicdude15 wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 5:33 pm
Oh goodness, it's been a hot minute. Still remember coming here when I was a kid, asking the silliest questions haha. Good times. Really appreciated a game like this in my early childhood, glad the forum still exists! :stinkyhappy:
Oh hi Epicdude, welcome back
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by Teb020 » Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:17 am

looks like it's that time again where wonderland pops back into my head & i come crawling back to secret worlds. hello, everyone!!! kind of crazy to think that my account is almost 10 years old now- a bit of a shame that most of my time spent here has always just been as a lurker, haha. (or perhaps for the best since i was a bit young when joining... the few posts & levels i have made hurt my soul)

wonderland holds such a special place in my heart & even if this place isn't as active as it once was, it makes me so happy that there's still any activity. to anyone still here & reading this- you all rock!

i've made it farther than ever before in my current playthrough of secret worlds... maybe i'll finally beat it & then get that secret ending :stinkyhappy: if creativity strikes i'd love to create a series of enjoyable levels to give back for all the years of enjoyment i've gotten out of wonderland! perhaps under a different username if that's possible since i've long since stopped going by this alias online :stinkylol: hope to see y'all around!
See-ya next toim!
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by Wonderman109 » Wed Mar 09, 2022 3:00 pm

Teb020 wrote:
Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:17 am
looks like it's that time again where wonderland pops back into my head & i come crawling back to secret worlds. hello, everyone!!! kind of crazy to think that my account is almost 10 years old now- a bit of a shame that most of my time spent here has always just been as a lurker, haha. (or perhaps for the best since i was a bit young when joining... the few posts & levels i have made hurt my soul)

wonderland holds such a special place in my heart & even if this place isn't as active as it once was, it makes me so happy that there's still any activity. to anyone still here & reading this- you all rock!

i've made it farther than ever before in my current playthrough of secret worlds... maybe i'll finally beat it & then get that secret ending :stinkyhappy: if creativity strikes i'd love to create a series of enjoyable levels to give back for all the years of enjoyment i've gotten out of wonderland! perhaps under a different username if that's possible since i've long since stopped going by this alias online :stinkylol: hope to see y'all around!
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by davidmwilliams » Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:29 am

Who else is back here today with the news of the iOS / Android port?
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by wormwood » Sun Mar 20, 2022 2:06 am

davidmwilliams wrote:
Fri Mar 18, 2022 9:29 am
Who else is back here today with the news of the iOS / Android port?
Same here, loved these games since I was a kid and with this title for mobile it makes me hopeful we might see the Wonderland games have a modern re-release on PC, through a platform like Steam.
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by RoberTime » Thu Nov 24, 2022 7:08 am

I thought nobody on the forums would talk about how the series has turned 20 last month out in the open...

Regardless, despite the absence I had, I wish this obscure but fantastic puzzle series a happy 20th anniversary!

Too bad I won't be able to ignite the special hub to mark the occasion with you guys (Forgotten Memories), but I was considering to continue on my other current projects...
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by flameterror91 » Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:14 am

Thought I'd make a post here cause why not. I've popped in this forum once in a while but haven't posted anything in years.

Apparently I made this account in 2012, when I was 12. I'm now 22 and recently graduated from college. I may still be young but man I'm old compared to my younger self. I think the earliest I can remember playing these games is when I was like 6?

I decided to do a playthrough of all the Wonderland games, so that should be fun. I've actually 100%'d all the games except for WA3, which I've never even beaten. It'll be exciting to try to 100% that game if I ever make it to that point :lol:

It's cool to see how far the series has come. I was especially surprised to see the games come to mobile. Hopefully we can see a future project one day, but I know we may be long past that time. Hope everyone is doing good at least :stinkycool:
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by |Cookie| » Tue Dec 20, 2022 7:24 pm

Welcome back to the forums! It's great to still see people returning to this game even after these many years. :mrgreen:
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by JoshuaPR1999 » Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:52 pm

Why not throw out a post... probably my first? I'm not even sure
Hi everyone! I'm a 23 year old recent college graduate who decided to try to come back to the games after a while of not playing them! Not that I haven't put my time in to playing these games (I've been playing since I was 2... yes that's the truth, and no that doesn't mean I'm any good at re-solving these puzzles)
I haven't even looked at these forums in over a decade, I'm just trying (and failing) to figure out how to run the Wonderland Adventures trilogy on my brand new computer, but it's going to be worth it once I hopefully figure it out!
Good to see this place is still seeing new posts, though. Especially since it's been a year since the mobile release of the original trilogy!
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by Jutomi » Mon Mar 27, 2023 4:56 pm

JoshuaPR1999 wrote:
Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:52 pm
Hi Joshua! Yeah, we still have a small community of similarly-aged individuals kicking around :lol:

The custom content for Wonderland Adventures is currently in what some of us call a "renaissance" era; after a fairly quiet period, which occurred after the next generation (which sadly left), which itself came after most of the original WAers had left for a while. Go figure we'd all come back with some truly remarkable and frankly unusual stuff; so interesting to see how the custom content scene has evolved in the past couple of years alone :lol:

Feel free to ask for help if you can't figure out how to run the original games or the editor/player. Most of us are rather technically adept, albeit I am quite unfortunately a remarkable exception. :oops:
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by JoshuaPR1999 » Thu Mar 30, 2023 7:24 pm

Yeah that's awesome! I'm gladly going to be checking in here every once in a while. I just had a thought, other than the forums, maybe there could be a chat set up somewhere just for us oldies in Wonderland to chill and talk with each other! Idk. Just a fun thought. Maybe we could all try hopping on Discord at some point.

Anyways, I got the games figured out and I've already played through the first Wonderland Adventures and it was just as fun as I remember. It's so great :) I'll have to see what the editor and everyone's custom levels are all about.
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by Jutomi » Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:30 pm

Well, you're in luck! We actually do have an unofficial Wonderland discord server ;) It's not for "old-timers" per se, but it's a place where much of the Wonderland community hangs out. I'll DM you the link; it should be valid for about 7-odd days.

I should also inform you that there're technically several Wonderland communities that cross paths once in a while and shift/change as time goes on. For instance, many of us are in a more private friend group which is really not WA-based, although many of us do still play on the forums and stream each other's content. :P (And unfortunately some folks between there and the Wonderland discord don't always jive well with each other >_>) And then of course there's the RTW group which... has mostly retired, sadly. It's mostly just Amnon playing some junk I throw their way; no discord required (or desired on Amnon's part) really xD

Then there're also several sub-communities and discords. For instance, there's a separate Wonderland Speedrunning discord. There's also the Wonderland Archive; the group of folks who help test Dtootil's mobile and steam versions of the game; the old Wonderplus discord (I think that's wholly inactive now though); Kamerson's livestream discord; and heck even my channel (though I'd hardly count my comment section a "community" per se). Then there're just several folks who come by once in a while and don't get too involved with the community, or - as has happened a comedic number of times - split to form their own. You wouldn't think we'd be so dynamic and complicated given how few of us there are and the medium, but :lol:

Anyhow, either way, I hope you enjoy your time here! Feel free to ask me if you need any help figuring anything out. :P
Your only little stinker that's absolutely NOT a z-bot by this name,
Jutomi~ :mrgreen:

Also, if you want to see my level list, here it is! :D
(Also: List of Hubs, WA Manual)
Oh, and my YT wonderland channel. Forgot about that.
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by StinkyFTW » Fri Oct 27, 2023 7:54 pm

Guess I qualify as an old-timer now. I may not've had a forum account for ages like the rest of you, but I've been playing and enjoying Wonderland since i was 3!

Cheers mates.
OH GOD. :mrgreen:
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by Wonderman109 » Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:32 am

By that logic, almost all the active users here are old-timers, although it's nice to see there is a steady stream of new people.
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by IQubic » Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:37 pm

Hey, I remember playing Wonderland Secret Worlds as a little girl (8 or so). And when I was a teenager, (13 years old) I played the Wonderland Adventures games. Now, I'm 23 and wanting to play these games again to relive my childhood and I also want to connect with the community. From what I've seen it looks like there's a Discord server for the Wonderland games? I couldn't find a link join the server, but I'm really interested in doing so.
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Re: Wonderland "Old Timers" - Drop in and say Hi!

Post by Wonderman109 » Thu Nov 21, 2024 1:50 am

IQubic wrote:
Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:37 pm
Hey, I remember playing Wonderland Secret Worlds as a little girl (8 or so). And when I was a teenager, (13 years old) I played the Wonderland Adventures games. Now, I'm 23 and wanting to play these games again to relive my childhood and I also want to connect with the community. From what I've seen it looks like there's a Discord server for the Wonderland games? I couldn't find a link join the server, but I'm really interested in doing so.
Very late reply and bump, but I do think there are valid links to the discord(s) on the forum. Here's one for Krabby Quest: https://discord.gg/wvFPYSrGRu
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