RTW W8L7 Centipede

Questions and solutions to Wonderland, Return to Wonderland, and Secret Worlds.
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RTW W8L7 Centipede

Post by ewis » Thu May 13, 2004 6:05 am

I need some strategy/hints on this level. Would appreciate if someone could help!

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Post by Gen » Wed Jun 09, 2004 8:59 pm

Ewis, you may have already figured this one out, but if not -


I played this level with Alt-X, so that I could see where the UFO was most of the time.

First off, I had Stinky run left across the field in front of the boxes as fast as possible. If you time it right, the UFO won't shoot at you. Get the coin between the left most boxes and the first set of 4 boxes on the left. Go next to the wall and move up one step. Stay there until the UFO comes back left and starts back right.

Now walk right from your position, staying behind the UFO, stop when you are in (but above) the space between the 1st and 2nd sets of 4 boxes. By this time, the Z-Bots will be headed down in front of the boxes.

Time Stinky's steps left with the movement of the UFO so that a Z-Bot is hit with each step. Now do the same going back to the right.

When just a few Z-Bots are left, gather the coins at your leisure. Be careful to get the coins in the middle of the field fast when the UFO is out of position to fire. You don't want it blasting all the boxes. You need at least one to make the UFO leave it's track, but it is better to have 2 or 3 so that you can make bridges across the ice.

Hope this makes sense!
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