All solutions of RTW Classic set world 9 (AT THE EDGE O...).

Questions and solutions to Wonderland, Return to Wonderland, and Secret Worlds.
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billy bob
Rainbow SuperStar
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All solutions of RTW Classic set world 9 (AT THE EDGE O...).

Post by billy bob » Sat May 22, 2010 8:47 am

The full world title is AT THE EDGE OF SPACE AND TIME.


With Stinky, push the rightest of the top boxes down.

Push the highest box left.

Push the box below the box you just pushed left.

Push the leftest of the lowest boxes down.

Go up then push the box right of you down.

Push the box right of the box you just pushed down.

Push the box left of you left two spaces.

Push the rightest of the lowest boxes right.

Push the box two spaces above you down.

Push the third lowest box left.

Push the box above you up five spaces.

Push the box you just pushed right four spaces.

Push the second rightest box down.

Push the box two spaces left of you right.

Push the box you just pushed up five spaces.

Push the box you just pushed right two spaces.

Push the fourth lowest box right then move down.

With Loof, go left three spaces then go through the spiral and into the red teleport.

Collect the rightest bonus coin then get Loof right of the rightest yellow teleport.

Push the sixth leftest box up five spaces.

Get Stinky through the leftest yellow teleport then collect the remaining bonus coins.

Push the rightest box right two spaces.

Push the rightest box up two spaces.

Push the fourth rightest box left.

Push the box you just pushed up two spaces.

Push the box you just pushed right.

Push the second rightest box left using the yellow teleport.

Go back through the yellow teleport then push the third highest box left three spaces.

Push the box you just pushed up two spaces.

Push the box you just pushed right.

Get Stinky through the yellow teleport then get both stinkers to the exit.


With Stinky, go up then right then down, then with Loof, go down then right four spaces.

A Thousand Gateways

Get Loof on the available pink button.

Get Stinky on the other available pink button.

Get Loof on the available green button.

Get Stinky on the lowest available green button then on the available cyan button.

Get Loof to the highest available pink button.

Get Stinky to the lowest available pink button.

Get Loof to the highest available yellow button then on the highest available pink button.

Get Stinky on the leftest available yellow button.

Get Loof on the highest green button available.

Get Loof on the leftest cyan button available.

Get Loof on the highest cyan button available.

Get Stinky on the lowest cyan button available.

Get Stinky on the lowest pink button available.

Get Loof onto the leftest yellow button available then the rightest yellow button available.

Get Stinky to the lowest green button available.

Get Loof to the highest cyan button available.

Get Stinky to the lowest yellow button available.

Get Stinky to the lowest pink button available.

Get Loof to the lowest cyan button available.

Get Loof to the lowest green button available.

Get Stinky to the rightest cyan button available.

Get Stinky to the rightest pink button available.

Get Loof to the leftest pink button available.

Get Stinky to the rightest cyan button available then get Stinky on the leftest pink button available.

Get Loof to the leftest of the highest yellow buttons available.

Get Stinky to the bottom three bonus coins.

Get Stinky to the leftest of the lowest pink buttons available.

Get Stinky to collect the remaining bonus coins then get both stinkers to the exit.


Push the boulder below you down.

When the moving boulder is about to be two spaces above the highest boulder push the highest boulder up.

Push the leftest boulder left.

When the moving boulder is two spaces below the ice four spaces right of the leftest boulder.

Collect all coins then go on the ice below the rightest water.

Collect all the bonus coins then go onto the highest of the leftest ice then go to the exit.

Out of Time

Collect the two nearest clocks and push the pink timer button.

Push the second leftest box right four spaces.

Push the leftest box left then push the leftest reflector right seven spaces then down.

Push the rightest reflector left nine twelve spaces then down.

Push the rightest reflector left then push the second leftest reflector up.

Once a box is destroyed, push the reflector above you up.

Collect the leftest three bonus coins then go above the lowest conveyor then right three spaces.

Go up two spaces then left four spaces then down.

Push the rightest of the lowest boxes up two spaces.

Push the box left of you left four spaces.

Push the fourth rightest box right three spaces then down once the canons have shot.

Push the rightest box left three spaces then down.

Push the fourth lowest box up three spaces then right just after the canons have shot.

Collect the leftest coin then go onto the conveyor path two spaces right of you then go right to the exit.

House of Mirrors

Push the second leftest reflector of the bottom reflectors that are not passed the key gate up.

Push the reflector two spaces right of you right.

Push the third lowest reflector of the sixth leftest reflectors up.

Go right then push the reflector below you down.

Go up four spaces then push the reflector right of you right.

Go left then push the reflector above you up.

Push the reflector right of you right.

Go up then push the reflector left of you left.

Get the stinker at the bottom to go on the pink button then get the other stinker to collect the coins.

Push the third lowest reflector left then push the reflector below you down.

Collect the bonus coin then get both stinkers to the exit.


Push the second leftest ice cube right seven spaces.

Push the ice cube above you up six spaces.

Push one of the rightest ice cubes right two spaces then collect the bonus coins while dodging ghosts.

Push the lowest of the sixth rightest ice cubes left two spaces.

Collect the highest four coins while dodging ghosts.

When there is ghosts left of the lowest ice cube push the lowest ice cube left.

Push the third lowest ice cube left when there is ghosts left of it.

Push the ice cube below you down then push the fourth lowest ice cube left when there is ghosts left of it.

Push the fifth lowest ice cube left when there is ghosts left of it.

Collect the remaining coins then go to the exit.

Chain Reaction

Go left then down two spaces then right then up.

Push the lowest of the leftest reflectors right then left five spaces.

Collect the second rightest boulder up then left then up.

Collect all bonus coins then go to the exit.

Hop, Skip, and Jump

When there is fire in between the rightest two reflectors go into the yellow teleport, if you are very quick you can avoid this step.

When there is fire in between the green teleporters go into the green teleports.

When there is fire in between the lowest two reflectors of the leftest reflectors go through the red teleport.

When there is fire in between the blue teleport go through the blue teleport.

Collect the bonus coins while dodging fire then go to the exit.
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