RTW W10L6 - They Came From Beyond the River

Questions and solutions to Wonderland, Return to Wonderland, and Secret Worlds.
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RTW W10L6 - They Came From Beyond the River

Post by tigerlady » Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:39 am

OK. I can get all the available boxes into the water without any being destroyed. The problem came when I realized that there are only 8 boxes, and I need 9!

Am I missing something in this level?
They say that all the world is a stage and we are but puppets on strings. They must not have played Wonderland before, or they would realize that all the world is a Wonderland, and we are but potatoes with legs.
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Post by malcdelsol » Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:08 am

Hi tigerlady,

Well, to be honest your question has me more puzzled than the level itself :shock: :shock: :shock:

You only need 8 boxes to get across the river :?: :?: :?:

Not sure therefore why you say you need 9 :!: :!:

Malcdelsol 8)
Bronze Wonderlander
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Post by tigerlady » Mon Apr 05, 2004 12:27 pm

I thought that because it said so in another post I read. But, after your comment, I went and did the level and realized that you are right. :oops:
They say that all the world is a stage and we are but puppets on strings. They must not have played Wonderland before, or they would realize that all the world is a Wonderland, and we are but potatoes with legs.
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