Alright. So... to further help anyone who might be a little confused by... everything. I do not know who made what in the pack, beyond my own adventures, but I can help with some findings I've made. I'll update this as I find more things or as folks correct me on anything I might have missed or mistaken.
> Aside from many test adventures, a couple of default adventures (
Five Coins and Ten Gems and
A Test Adventure),one from MOFI itself (
Round and Round), and a different adventure I believe Nasko had uploaded elsewhere but found its way in here (
Bugs in the MOFI Editor 2008); there seem to be 31 "normal-ish" adventures total. Of these, 3 (
Forest, Lotus Cave, Frost Deception) make 0 sense and also feel somewhat like "tests" that don't really fit in the hub layout.
Ice Flower Cave is also a bad remake of an official MOFI version, so it might be better to consider there to be 27 distinct proper "final product" adventures.
> The adventures (which I assume are made by the same person; they're all in the second MOFI listing in OpenWA) of Jungle Terrors, The Diamond Temple, Fired Up, Scritter Scatter, Retroactive Puzzle Solving, and Sundo(n)g Unit almost all have several versions, many of which are flat-out busted. The latest versions should appear in the "final list" (the last listed MOFI if you load these in OpenWA), where often multiple versions of the same adventure are stacked upon each other. The top versions of those are the ones you want to play. Note: For many other adventures (presumably ones from Nasko and potentially someone else), these are actually NOT the final versions, and you may want to look in a prior MOFI list / higher up in the adventures list to find the proper versions.
> There are 4 jungle adventures;
Shelling Out has two very distinct versions, with the two that show up in the final list being very different from the proper final version.
Nature Network and
Smelly Water remain mostly the same between versions, although I do believe I had to update mine at some point - either way it'll be difficult lol.
Jungle Terrors is the most dumbfounding of all of them, having many versions scattered throughout the various folders, but much like the others I mentioned earlier, the topmost listing of the bunch grouped together is the final (and frankly most hectic) version. This version is also by far the longest, most difficult, and frankly most prone to accidental soft-locking and otherwise irritating shenaniganry by the monsters. Good luck on it.
> The 2 Cave Adventures:
The Other Side is what I believe to be the final product of two previously separate adventures:
Canyon of Broken Dreams (but with better lighting), and
Red Cave. Red Cave was changed significantly (for the better imo), so even though the layout is completely the same, you may think of this as almost being an
additional adventure (of sorts) which I did not count in the main "30". (There are actually two versions with very different codes.) The only other cave/mountain adventure is my own
Flower Cavern (not to be confused with Ice Flower Cave). Both are possible - and are both very cheesible! (How:
You do not need the spikeball to press the brown button. In the first version, you can just ride the transporter to the gems/star right away.)
> The 3 Temple Adventures:
Spikeys in the Hall and
Creeping in the Hall are the same adventure, but ultimately play somewhat differently; the latter has crabs, for instance. I believe Spikeys in the Hall is meant to be the final version, given the older versions of Creeping in the Hall are far more barren. I assume these are both possible to win.
Traps! and
The Diamond Temple are the other two and do not change much between versions, and both are possible. (I really found TDT very cute and enjoyable.) Traps! is possible but very fiendish; my bad.
> The 3 Volcanic Adventures: There is the one from that user with the many busted entries -
Fired Up. So. I found the gems in this. They are in a truly awful place, obtained in a truly awful way, but you might be able to find them without looking in the editor like I did. The old versions are also a bit bizarre. And if I'll be honest, this adventure sucked. I don't say that often. And I get the point of it. But it sucked xD
Endurance Test does not change at all between versions.
The Lava Delta is the same adventure as
Volcanic Activity, although the latter is an earlier version. It does not have the chomper; the gates at the end are surrounded in lava (still possible though); and the second room is
completely different, being a diagonal spike ball maze of horror rather than a fireflower cannonball run.
> The 3 acid pools adventures:
Poisoned Crabs was my bad... sorry xD (very toxic).
Scritter Scatter... god this is huge it took me 23 minutes to make it through the final version, but hey it at least was
winnable. (Although, just barely; I believe the idea was to spring to the bottom, use the crab to get the button, and use turtles to bridge to the left. However, you cannot spring down, so instead you have to
quite precariously make a bridge down using the dragon turtles and scritters as blockers [using the spring to shoot two right-moving turtles left, put a scritter on the second turtle, and then walk 1-by-1 5 different turtles so they bounce off the scritter to make a bridge down; fortunately springing left on the orange spring works fine.)
Swamped, similarly, has two versions. My mistake; both are indeed possible. Just have to be clever if you don't want to get stuck at the end.
> The 4 Retro levels:
Z-Bots and Lasers is mine (actually from another adventure I uploaded some time ago lol).
Retrocity and
Mayhem Bundle are the same adventure, more-or-less. Haven't tried to win the large
Retroactive Puzzle Solving one, but it too has some kinda different versions and idk which is winnable yet; will update if I get to it (hopefully). And
Time of the Rainbow is such a meme; scary to walk through. (incidentally you can walk through the rainbow teleporter because yeah teleporters convert tile logic.)
> The 3 Sundog mainland levels (besides
Ice Flower Cave, I'm not counting that one):
Frozen Fissure and
Freezing Temperatures Plateau seem mostly fine, however I recall having to update Frozen Fissure; I believe you are safe to play this as long as the orange button is behind the red gate, although the other version is possible just a bit more cheeseable.
Arctic Navigation has two kinda different versions but I strongly believe you want to play the one where you start in the middle.
> The 3 Sundog Stronghold levels: All of these are freakin' terrifyin'.
The Iron Fortress is stinkin' near impossible but since I made it I can verify I've solved and recorded it xD
Chilling Room... I'm very scared to touch, will comment on this when I have.
Sundo(n)g Unit has had quite some revisions... becoming more elaborate each time. The last version IS very much possible - just tricky
Bridge Intervention, along with anything with "test" in the name... are test levels. xD (the exception maybe being A Test Adventure, but that's Patrick's lol).
Mystery Tunnel is solveable, but weird... xD And
Mushroom Garden is
supposed to have a fixed version where the star-shroom is moved one tile to the right (maybe not appearing so, but the particles should move right and it should be collectable then...), but I've played through both versions and neither of them seem to have fixed the starshroom. Fitting that this one is the one of mine that's impossible. Alas.
Hope this helps!