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Post by LittleZbot » Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:57 am

Was that post necessary?
Future MyNameIsKooky will have wrote:YES.
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
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Post by DEEMAN223344 » Sun Mar 31, 2013 1:48 pm

pcpuzzle has invaded my topic
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Post by LittleZbot » Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:21 pm


I had checked out a book from the library, read it, and now I was returning it. Suddenly about two hundred guys with machine guns crashed in and tried to kill everybody. I dove for cover, but eventually we were all cornered. Then the owner of the library came in and announced that we had a choice: be her employees or die. I figured that I needed a job anyway, so I chose the first option. Me and my sister who was somehow there were assigned to the kid section while my brother who was also somehow there built gutters. I was soon tasked with finding a straw hat in a book, and once I did the owner was very happy and pulled the straw hat out of the book. She then gave me some candy, which she said no-one could see me with because it was stolen. She told me to fix the TV satellite while holding the straw hat on the house a couple blocks away. So that no-one would see me with the candy, I walked on the gutters to reach there. Once that was done, I jumped off the roof and somehow landed in the owner's car, which she was in. At this point, the manager turned into a guy and started driving around while telling me to hide the straw hat. I eventually hid it under the seat, and then he sang a song about how no-one could see a straw hat if he was making turns. I got freaked out and jumped out the window. I rolled onto the grass and went back to the library. Once a was there, my sister took me aside and asked me if the owner had given me candy. When I told her that she/he had, she said not to eat it and walked away. I was scared, so I ran outside and threw the candy into some guy's trunk. The guy was arrested for stealing candy about five seconds later. I then got into some car and drove home because somehow I could drive. Then I woke up.
To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

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Post by LittleZbot » Tue May 14, 2013 2:50 am

You know, my dreams are getting more and more weird.


In this dream, I was two people. That's become kind of normal for my dreams now. Just like usual, Me #1 was watching a movie that Me #2 was in.

Anyway, after the opening credits, the Television showed a space station orbiting earth. Inside there was a guy inside who looked like a cross between Slenderman and Harman Smith from Killer7. He was called Lunatic and announced his plans to the audience to murder me and my family with the help of Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes.

As per usual in my dreams, Me #1 and Me #2 could communicate via Telepathy. Naturally, Me #1 warned Me #2 about this, and Me #2 warned the entire family. My Mom suggested moving to our backyard, which we all though was a great idea. We lived in our backyard in tents for the next month and had many interesting adventures, like when our neighbors got angry and tried to blast us with Gamma Rays.

Eventually, Travis flew down using wings that he never had and sliced our house in half with his Beam Katana. He thoroughly inspected the house before flying back up to the space station and yelling at Lunatic "YOU SAID THAT THERE WOULD BE PIE!" Lunatic replied that he just wanted him to kill us and there really was no pie. He then asked if he had killed us yet. Travis got angry and crashed the Space Station into the Moon.


This was the same as my first dream in the respect that it had Me #1 and Me #2 in it, with Me #1 watching a movie with Me #2 in it. However, in this dream, we couldn't communicate with each other via Telepathy.

Me #2, the main character in the dream movie, was moving in the movie. He sadly got into the Ice Cream Truck and drove away while snacking on Ice Cream Sandwiches and Popsicles. Eventually we got to my new home in the dream, which turned out to be a wigwam. Somehow it had several rooms in it, each one like it's own house. In my room there was a mirror that made me shiny when I looked into it.

I forgot most of the "movie," but I do remember some details. The mirror was actually a secret passageway into a Real-World version of the Pit of 100 trials. If you got through, supposedly there was treasure. Since the mirror was the only way there, thousands of people, especially pirates, kept invading our home and jumping into the mirror. None ever came back. I also remember that BoyWhoFlies was in my dream, and so was MyNameIsKooky. However, strangely, in my dream MNIK was a girl. :P :lol:

Eventually MNIK got kidnapped. BoyWhoFlies and me jumped into the mirror to get the treasure to pay his ransom with. The Pit of 100 Trials was nothing like the ones in Paper Mario, though. Rather, thousands of different hazards approached us at each floor, and even some bosses. I particularly remember Donkey Kong, Professor Fizzwizzle, and Peegue as bosses. BoyWhoFlies died in a rather graphic way in the fight with Professor Fizzwizzle. I made it to floor 99, where I was defeated by one of the 150,000,000 or so booby traps.

Me #1, however, was still alive. This surprised everyone, and so, to make the movie go as it should, they all pulled out guns and tried to shoot Me #1. I dove inside the movie to take the place of Me #2, dodging gunfire as I went. I opened the door to the final floor to find that the treasure...was a dirty sock. Figures. However, it all ended up fine when MyNameIsKooky turned out to have retained Teleportation from Wefight and teleported away. Somehow the dirty sock ended up reviving BoyWhoFlies, too.


This time, just so you know, I was only one person.

After reading for many hours about reindeer, I made it my lifetime goal to find Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. To accomplish that, I had to read five clues in five different video games. I thought it too hard to play the games, so, with my sisters, I jumped into the Wii. I found myself in some sort of Datascape with entries to every game that I've ever played in it.

In the first game, Super Mario Galaxy, I jumped all around the galaxies, looking, before I realized that I couldn't breathe in space. I began choking, but one of my sisters did the Heimlich Maneuver which somehow revived me and gave me the ability to breathe in space. We continued on until we met up with Mario, who had a blue pawprint on him. I instantly realized that he was a clue and so drew him. We then left to the second game.

In the second game, Skyward Sword, we ended up in Skyloft. After exploring around a while, we eventually talked to Link. Link, however, didn't say anything, since he doesn't talk in the LoZ games. However, we communicated via Sign Language. He signed that he would help us, and that we should check the Knight Academy. He then gave us the keys to the bathroom in case one of us needed to use it. I did, so I went in. I instantly spied a blue pawprint on the toilet. I drew it, and we left.

In the third game, Rayman Origins, we looked around some before getting used as basketballs by the enemies. Since I liked basketball, I didn't try to stop them. Rayman eventually came in, though, and killed the guy. I spotted a blue pawprint on a cage and rushed forward to draw it. Suddenly we were all captured. Then Blue (from Blue's Clues) jumped in and cackled evilly. He then revealed that he had planned this from the very beginning and was going to kill us all.

My sisters tried to escape using a convenient window, but failed since the place was booby trapped with frying pans as weapons. At that point, Eddie the Mean Old Yeti (from the Donkey Kong Country TV show) burst in and demanded a banana. I told him that Blue would give him one, so he went to see Blue. Blue, however, didn't have a banana, so the infuriated Eddie the Mean Old Yeti ate him. We all quickly escaped, and found Rudolph when we got home.


To Shorty, who was immortalized in an adventure.
To Marinus, who was my community older brother.
To Janet, who I will remember every time I wear a toque.

May these lost Wonderlanders find true adventure beyond us.
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Post by Technos72 » Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:51 am

A small bit of a rememberable dream plus a really good theory

I saw this fat black guy ride down this short slide while screaming and as it was swimming in the pool after slide it kept saying "I am a whale"

Now the theory: This is coming from my memory of watching the movie Norbit where an orphan guy named Norbit has a relationship with a fat, black, sarcastic woman.

The woman was fat and black as pictured as the person in the dream

There was this waterpark scene just like the dream's scene. The fat lady went down the slide and was representing the fat person running down the slide in the dream, which I both enjoyed.

The term "whale" from the dream came from Norbit's guardian guy at the orphanage when he called his girlfriend a whale because of her weight.

Dreams like that have quite the connections with your memory and imagery.
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Post by llarson » Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:56 am


I had a dream last night where I was in the middle of the desert but I was trapped...why? I DON'T KNOW

Anyways I wanted a pet desert sock...but the one I got was an desert socks were rather rare. I then got a baby desert sock which is a boot apparently (as it was a sock with the word "boot" written on it)

I then found a random app-store like place behind one of the two trailers I was inbetween. I went inside...apparently I was a swordsman. There was people inside this said appstore but none of them were important. We then had a party in an appstore I love (no joke, fountain, light, everything :D ) Then I was woken up.

This dream didn't involve much running.
"Cabbage is useless"~Came to me in a dream
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Post by Wonderman109 » Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:57 pm

Sometimes I dream I'm stuck in a box for hours. When I wake up, my pillow is on top of my head instead of being underneath it.
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Post by Jutomi » Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:16 pm

Once, my mother, sometimes known as mijutokeyo, dreamed up a British sitcom.

Something about how there were two guys - one tall, one short - who were looking for jobs, and then bought priest getups at walmart, with the tags sticking to their clothes, and ended up getting hired as preists.

They were in a church between two other buildings, where hardly anybody went - except for when they were actually hired, to which drunk people came in to search for help. :lol:

There was a nun, I believe, who drove them around and did all of the cleaning. She, of course, noticed the pricetags, which were "folded up" to avoid being noticed.

Supposedly there was also a scene where she got out of the car, and some other lady walked around with grocery bags, looked in the car to find the two priests asleep in the back, and screamed.

Apparently there was even a live audience in the background. :|

Does this mean something?

We speculated that mijutokeyo might have accidentally picked up a television frequency in her sleep.
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Post by Jutomi » Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:31 pm

Sorry for the double post - especially so immediately - but it has to do with LittleZBot's second and llarson's dream.

I've had a dream before where a sock was a treasure, as well. :|

It evidently contained "butter" inside it, and was called the gold bouillon
The person telling me this was Jorgan Von Strangle in a 3D fashion, and was in some kind of cheap studio. :P

Also, Troitabouie/Tratiby, one of my lingos, was heavily inspired by this dream. :lol:
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Post by Wonderman109 » Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:27 am

Off-topic, but what does NFG stand for in the topic title? I feel like I've asked it before, but I still don't know...
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Post by StinkerSquad01 » Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:42 am

Not Forum Game

Because Wefight (that one game that died and shall never be revived (pun not intended)) is the only forum game allowed ever since MS randomly purged all of them.
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Post by Wonderman109 » Wed Jul 23, 2014 2:25 pm

I still don't see why they're not allowed. WeFight has never caused issues as far back as I could trace the old topic before it was deleted.
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Post by llarson » Wed Jul 23, 2014 2:38 pm

Well on Epigam forum games started to pull away from the ACTUAL topics, MNIK locked it, then a big issue occurred.

Maybe he did that so:

a) It's less clutter for the forum

b) Pretty much to keep any big issues from occurring

c) The keep away from being pulled away from the ACTUAL topics

Anyways...let's get back on topic with dreams I guess.
This is turning into a forum discussion :lol:
"Cabbage is useless"~Came to me in a dream
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Post by DEEMAN223344 » Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:57 pm

I think the real reason is that, due to the lack of a forum game subforum, when forum games were popularized by wefight and its kin, the old off topic was absolutely flooded with nothing but forum games. A lot of people didn't care anything about forum games or were sick of them, so all these games cluttering the off-topic was a bit annoying. People complained, so MS went and purged the forum games. And some non-forum games, such as Wefight - The Game.
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Floaty... oh so Floaty...

Post by Jutomi » Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:22 pm

I've noticed, especially on account of two nights ago,
that dreams that I have, to almost no extent of how chaotic they are,
such as being stuck in my brother's minion's lunch room,
and trying to escape results in being stuck in an infinite-loop-style green hall that you despise
I seem to get certain dreams where I'm almost able to glide.
Not actually fly, per say, though in that dream, after I escape, I did dream that I was practicing to fly from after a previous dream.
When one glides, you sort of push forward, and just sort of float over the ground, until you hit a relative destination.
It's very much like a somewhat relaxing and less life threatening version of jumping, that gets much more land coverage.

P.S. The happy sensation's a relaxing feeling - not like on a cloud so much as being in the 40-to-60mph winds we get here in November.
I like that. :)
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Post by Wonderman109 » Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:55 pm

I think this is a result of playing too many video games. I get that feeling in dreams after nights playing certain kinds of games for too long.
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Post by Koopson44 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:48 pm

I had a dream that i was collecting different kinds of soap. Maybe its because i wash my hands too much? And every time i got a new bar i would hear a godly voice say "So and so soap found" So and so being the type of soap. There were many types of soap. Golden soap. Shiny soap rainbow soap, you name it. If anyone experienced in game maker wants to make this a game, by all means have at it. Just make me the main character. JK
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Post by Wonderman109 » Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:59 am

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Post by Jutomi » Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:35 pm

I shall be bumping this topic!

It's importantish, though.

The night before this posting, I indeed had a dream that was very strange.

I can't remember the part before the "ending", but it apparently ran smoothely.
The ending included this part where a very nice guy and a gameshow host were discussing how a friend of my morphing character could have been so smart.
Then, I got gold, after many failed attempts, at their puzzle, not unlike that of Wonderland.
'Twas incredibly basic.

The two guys looked like kaboom!s when out in the level, but once I solved the adventure/level, I saw this part where the two guys exchaned money, after I found the long lost end-game train that resembled a huge square of purple roller coaster seats, looked very different!
The one was like a small koala-like guy with white hair pushed back to look spikey at the front. The other guy was some kind of famous meme guy that was especially elongated and glitchy, and had a head that resembled a kerbal.Image
Once I finally stayed in the final room, my character was very odd looking, and had a crown. :shock:
The credits follows, and I can't remember all of those whom went from one room to the other, but one was a "boss" of sorts that had the body of King Krogmo, and the head of a wide-eyed king from Plants vs. Zombies 2, pushing a head of his, who had a much, much longer beard, with one of those large, rectangular mops/brooms that I've seen Janiters use.
At the end, I morphed into a kaboom!, and as the grand finish, I counted down, and then, as I hit 0, I made a large, happy face, and turned into an apple - which, apparently the game starts as. :shock:
When I clicked restart, I morphed back into a tomato, than some kind of radish slices with peas coming out, and then some strange, pink planet that looked like something I'd make for Universe Sandbox.
While that all happened, a voice in the background, not too unlike that from Stanley Parable, was saying how none of that should have happened. :shock:

I do remember that before this game, though, there was another strange dream...
My family and I were involved. Time seemed to skip around, a slight bit, as I seemed to have four Xmas trees for different occasions.
One girl's father stated, on his deathbed, that she had to put up an Xmas tree by summer.
I told her that I'd do it, she'd have to just stop yelling at me while I was finding the plug for the confounded thing.
I can't remember how, but eventually, due to our receipt, we were doing something illegal, and were initially chased by a bunch of staters with grocery carts.
Fortunately, though, they liked us, and once it was found out that everyone was doing it, though it was illegal, they dropped the whole thing!
However, when Mom and I(I don't remember of MiToJu was in this, honestly), to get in our car to go home, I found out that the cart I was using had a small, green trycicle-esc. bottum in the front, with a handlebar for pulling!
Somehow, though, this made the cart incredibly unstable. :lol:

Afterwards, Three twin silver cars pulled up.
At first, they looked to be connected, but, it was just the drivers' presentations.
Four Polish guys stepped out, wearing sunglasses and leather suits.
One appeared/disappeared for no reason, though.
They did it in such an order, and when they did, they went strait to three ladies that owned a black car next to them.
They acted like the 3 Stooges. :shock:

How buttons and keys from Wonderland Adventures got into the chase, and how it ended, being morphed into the morphing game, is just beyond me.
At the same time, the Xmas song that goes "in the frosty air" played through the entirety of my dreams.
I found out, when I woke up, that music had been playing. From my stance, and the unnerving alarm clock that had pretty much nothing to do with my getting up, I thought MiToJu was playing a new Spongebob game in the room next to me.
Turns out, it was the theme song to Mama's Family being played over and over again.

To be fairly serious, this almost sounds like something that MiToJu'd make, except...
I'd cut out all of the cursing and even remotely obscene parts. :lol:
Last edited by Jutomi on Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Yzfm » Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:00 pm

well i had a dream where a dog jumped on my leg and bit it then two more dogs joined him then I jumped away and the three kept biting each other and i got launched into the sky and when I was about to hit the ground i woke up

yeah my dreamworld is pretty insane
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Post by Wonderman109 » Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:46 pm

Did I already mention the dream where I was stuck in a box for hours?
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Post by LexieTheFox » Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:48 am

Wonderman109 wrote:Did I already mention the dream where I was stuck in a box for hours?

... I rarely have dreams.

I hardly ever dream at all.
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Post by Wonderman109 » Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:47 pm

I feel sorry for you. Dreams are fun.
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Beautiful Dreamer

Post by Jutomi » Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:40 pm

Supposedly we always have dreams, but we just don't always remember them.
At least, that's what I've heard. :?

Dreams aren't always fun, either. :o
You yourself, Wonderman, were stuck in a box for hours, and unless it was something you had fun in... :P

Off-topic, though, I have enjoyed playing in boxes. :mrgreen:
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Re: why would you change the subject

Post by Yzfm » Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:05 pm

Jutomi wrote:Supposedly we always have dreams, but we just don't always remember them.
At least, that's what I've heard. :?
This is indeed true, and I also read before that we dream 5-6 times a night. And we hardly can remember one or two afterwards.

why brain why
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Post by boh123321 » Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:11 pm

Dreams are weird and nonsensical.
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Post by Master Wonder Mage » Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:10 pm

boh123321 wrote:Dreams are weird and nonsensical.
My dreams always have a clear, coherent plot. (HIPPO)
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Post by Yzfm » Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:36 pm

Master Wonder Mage wrote:
boh123321 wrote:Dreams are weird and nonsensical.
My dreams always have a clear, coherent plot. (HIPPO)
I NEED YOUR DREAMS! :evil: :lol:
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Post by tooncool64 » Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:09 pm

I had a dream..... That my whole homeschooling group went to this big camp-like thing. My 2 best friends where there. For some reason there was this weird big guy who controlled the whole thing and made the kids play stupid games like fake guitar and funny concert or something like that.

So me and my best friend, Thane didn't join in on the games. So then his parents came and got him. So i had one friend left. Apilot0404. She was off playing with her old best friend, Bella. BTW. For this whole dream i was sulking because i didn't want to go. So then i over heard that her parents hated me, she was moving away, and she hated me. :( :( :( :shock:
Then i cried in the dream and made a fool out of myself.

Then i woke up. :evil: :(
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Post by Koopson44 » Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:57 pm

One thing about dreams. Sometimes you will get "Clips" from the future. You don't remember them, because they are forgotten along with most of the dream. But when you see the clip happen, you remember that you have seen it before. Hence the feeling of Deja Vu
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