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Logical Journey of the Zoombinis - A Very Hard Puzzle Game

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:57 pm
by jdl
I have no idea if I've posted this game or not (if so, I guess you can lock/delete this then!) but I want to tell you guys about an old Educational CD game I got maybe 10 years ago that I played while growing up.

About The Game
Zoombinis are creatures with blue heads and no arms, mouths, or ears. They can have four different kinds of hair, eyes, noses, and feet. They once lived happily on Zoombini Isle until the Bloats showed up and took over. There are 625 Zoombinis in total that you must take to Zoombiniville, each 16 at a time. There are 12 different levels to complete, divided into 3 legs. The levels start off pretty easy, but as you progress, the levels become EXTREMELY hard. I'm going into 11th grade as I post this and even I have trouble completing the levels sometimes! It also features really great music and an awesome (and hilarious) narration!

Buying The Game
I'm putting this all the way up here since this is going to be a HUGE post.
If you would like to order this game, you can buy it from amazon like I did (or find another place that sells it):
Click Here.

Here's the map of the game:

The Levels
Leg 1: Allergic Cliffs, Stone Cold Caves, and Pizza Pass

Allergic Cliffs:
There are two bridges hanging over a cliff supported by six wooden pegs. The Zoombinis can only cross one of the bridges, and the bridge they are allowed to cross is determined by their characteristics. If the wrong bridge is selected, the face embedded in the cliff will have an allergic reaction and the Zoombini will be sent tumbling or flying back to the other side. As a result, a peg will spring loose and drop down the cliff. If all six pegs come loose, the bridges will collapse onto the faces and the Zoombinis who did not make it to the other side will be stranded, unable to cross between the cliffs. Assuming the player actually moves the same Zoombini to each of the two bridges (where the first bridge was wrong and the second bridge is the correct one), the player is guaranteed five Zoombinis to the other side.

Stone Cold Caves:
The Zoombinis arrive at a stone face divided into four caves, which can be accessed by one path each. Each path is guarded by two stone guardians, who will only let Zoombinis pass if they have the right characteristics, similar to Allergic Cliffs. If the wrong cave is selected, a guardian will release a rock slide, sending the Zoombini tumbling down the path to the bottom. The player has quite many chances to find the right cave for each Zoombini before a rock slide tumbles down from above and seals the cave paths, leaving behind those who have not entered a cave.

Pizza Pass:
The Zoombinis arrive on a dirt road guarded by three tree trolls: Arno, Willa and Shyler. There is a pizza machine to the left which has options for different toppings for a pizza (cheese, pepperoni, bell peppers, mushrooms, and olives) and ice cream (whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and a cherry). The player must create a pizza with unique toppings for each troll. If none of the trolls are happy with the toppings on the pizza, it will be thrown into a pit. But if one of the trolls likes all of the toppings present on the pizza, it will be thrown onto the rock behind that troll instead. Once a troll receives a pizza with all of the wanted toppings on it, the troll will move to stand on their respective rock and wait for the remaining trolls to be satisfied. If the player is unsuccessful in delivering the correct pizza after 6 tries, the Zoombini delivering the pizza will be whacked back a short distance by the nearest troll that is present. If there are more incorrect delivers, the Zoombini will be whacked back to Zoombini Isle. The more incorrect deliveries, the more Zoombinis will be whacked away. Once all trolls are satisfied, they will consume their pizzas and the remaining Zoombinis will then be allowed to continue their journey.
Screenshot (this is at the highest difficulty):

Leg 2A: Captain Cajun's Ferryboat, Titanic Tattooed Toads, and Stone Rise

Captain Cajun's Ferryboat:
Captain Cajun will take the Zoombinis across a wide river on his ferry boat, but only if they have a characteristic in common with the person they sit next to. If one zoombini sits next another that doesn't have anything in common of it, Captain Cajun will taunt the zoombini("No, can't do that." or "(blubbers) Franzalie!", etc.), then he'll trigger the seat(either by stomping his foot or pulling a lever) to launch the zoombini off the boat. If one zoombini tries to sit on a seat that is already taken, Captain Cajun will taunt the zoombini again("Only one per seat." or "Hey, that seat's too small for the two of you"), but he will not trigger the seat to launch the zoombini off, instead the zoombini wil automatically be placed back in the group. As the puzzle difficulty increases, the seats become closer together, so each Zoombini must have something in common with multiple Zoombinis. On the first level, the Zoombinis are placed in a line where fourteen of them must have something in common with two other Zoombinis and the other two just only needs something common with one other Zoombini. On the second level, the Zoombinis are placed on a 2 by 8 grid. On the third level, the Zoombinis are placed on a 4 by 4 grid. The final level is a 4 by 4 grid with the rows shifted slightly, honeycomb-style. Here, some spaces require one Zoombini to share something in common with six other Zoombinis, as opposed to four.

Titanic Tattooed Toads:
The player must find a path on different shaped, patterned and colored lily pads for huge toads to ferry them across the river on their backs. Each toad has a shape on its back which corresponds to a particular feature (hence 'tattooed toads'). The same toad cannot be used more than twice nor will there be any toads that hop diagonally. If the player chooses a path which doesn’t have a continuing sequence of the shape, color or pattern on the toad's back, the toad will get stuck and the Zoombini will be left in limbo on the lily pads and cannot continue. When the puzzle difficulty increases, there are few or no paths to be found, but half-formed ones. A fairy is shown at the beginning of the puzzle changing the lily pads with a wand. The wand (called the "Swapping Stick") is left with the toads and the player must swap the lily pads with the wand to make a path. Eventually, the wand's power will run out. In the third and fourth levels, crabs emerge from the river at the top of the lily pad field. The crabs have the shape of a particular lily pad on their back and, like the toads, will work their way down the field to obstruct the toads pathway, possibly taking them in a different direction.

Stone Rise:
Similar to Captain Cajun's Ferryboat, the Zoombinis must be arranged on stones so that each Zoombini has one particular feature in common with their neighbor on the next stone. The feature to be matched is identified by a small etching on the stone between them. Doing so will create a power surge between the stones. When all the Zoombinis share a connection between their neighbors and all are connected to the power source (indicated by the stones turning red or blue), the stones rise up out of the riverbed and the Zoombinis can continue. In 'Very Very Hard' Mode (Red, Level 4) of this activity, in the centre of the field usually will be a line of four stones,(starting with the main stone on the very right and the other three directly left of it horizontally. Linking Zoombinis on these four stones, and these four stones only a banner stating that the player has entered the 'Psychedelic ZB Zone' where the Zoombinis will start to flash, for visual effect only.

Leg 2B: Fleens!, Hotel Dimensia, and Mudball Wall

The Zoombinis meet their supposed cousins, the Fleens, in a clearing. There are three Fleens on a tree branch, which must be lured off by a Zoombini who has characteristics that correspond to the Fleen's characteristics. The object of this puzzle is to work out which Zoombini characteristics correspond to the Fleen characteristics. When a Fleen is lured off the branch by a Zoombini, they chase the Zoombini until the Zoombini escapes onto a separate tree branch. The player has six attempts to match the Zoombini with the Fleen before the Zoombinis run out of room on the tree branch and fall off, only to be chased away by their Fleen counterpart. If all three Fleens on the tree branch are lured off, the beehive on the branch gets disrupted and the remaining Fleens are chased away by the bees, forming a shape of either a pair of scissors, an arrow, or a storm cloud.

Hotel Dimensia:
Ulla Instantaneous is a musical squirrel who owns Didimension Hotel, Zoombini sized compartments hollowed out of a row of trees. She is preparing to close the hotel for the night so that she can begin the nightly rehearsals of her jazz band or go home. The player must place the Zoombinis in the compartments by characteristics (row by row, column by column, etc., hence the slogan, "A place for everyone and everyone in a place."), but if they are placed in the wrong compartment, the ledge holding the Zoombini will retract and the Zoombini will fall. Every time this happens, the clock on left side of the screen will cause 5 minutes to pass and the setting will get darker. The more mistakes made, the quicker the time passes and the darker it will become. If the clock reaches midnight, all the ledges will retract, announcing the hotel officially closed and the Zoombinis who don't have a room must return to the previous base camp.
Screenshot (one of the higher difficulties to show just how hard this can be):

Mudball Wall:
A large stone wall inconveniently blocks the path of the Zoombinis. A nearby machine creates mud balls that can be colored and stamped with a shape. If the mud balls hit a certain target on the wall, either one, two or three Zoombinis get catapulted over the wall to safety. Eventually, the mud in the machine will run out, stranding those who did not make it over the wall. As the difficulty increases, additional squares will be added that require the player to pick the correct shape, mud colour and the colour inside the shape, and the color pattern will shift diagonally.
Screenshot (highest difficulty):

Leg 3: The Lion's Lair, Mirror Machine, and Bubblewonder Abyss

The Lion's Lair:
The Zoombinis encounter a dimly lit cavern where a large, stone lion guards the only way onward. Below the lion is a path consisting of 16 stones. The Zoombinis must be placed on the path, in order, according to certain characteristics, which are shown on the wall. If a Zoombini is placed on the wrong stone, that Zoombini is transported to the correct stone and a peg holding up a large gate pops free. When all the pegs are gone, the gate falls and the Zoombinis behind the gate cannot continue. If a Zoombini is accidentally dropped in the large abyss, that Zoombini will be thrown back out but no peg holding the gate will pop free. The Zoombinis which are placed correctly on the path are allowed by the lion to continue their journey. As the difficulty increases, characteristics disappear from the wall until no characteristics are shown.

Mirror Machine:
The player is presented with a set of glass slides, each bearing the image of a Zoombini. The player then has to pick a Zoombini from the party to match a slide featuring its doppelganger. The images from the Zoombini and from the slide are then projected onto each side of a large, crystal pendulum in the center of the stage. Think of it as balancing an equation. If this is done correctly, the pendulum is lifted and the Zoombini, riding a mine cart, will jump across a shaft and can move on. If it is done incorrectly, the pendulum is lowered and the Zoombini will crash into it and fall down the shaft. As the puzzle difficulty gets harder, the original reflections have to be modified by adding extra glass slides in front of them. Later on, the player will be forced to use a particular Zoombini (based on the order in which they left the last challenge), and later still, the player will be forced to use the same set of intervening slides to make the images of two Zoombinis in succession match the images of two slides.
Screenshot (higher difficulty, this level takes FOREVER to do):

Bubblewonder Abyss:
The Zoombinis have to navigate a maze while encased inside a bubble. They have to be sent through the maze through one of the starting points, and the player has no control over the bubble once it is in motion. Panels at junctions in the maze will change the direction of some Zoombinis, according to certain characteristics. A wrong move can result in Zoombinis getting sucked into a whirlpool and lost when their protective bubble pops. If they are placed correctly, they are able to pass to the other side of the abyss. All Zoombinis that were lost will return to the Shade Tree base camp.

As the puzzle difficulty gets harder, the Zoombinis can only navigate the maze from one starting point. The player must notice arrows that alternate the directions in which they send Zoombinis, as well as panels that switch direction when a bubble passes over a corresponding trigger. Still other panels lock bubbles in place until another bubble passes over a release trigger, allowing the trapped bubble to continue in its previous direction. So as to not lose Zoombinis, players must send Zoombinis into the maze with the correct sequence and timing. The player should also be aware that if two bubbles collide with each other, both bubbles will pop and those Zoombinis will be lost. (The exception is if one bubble bumps another one out of a lock panel.)
Screenshot (this is the most hardest puzzle in the entire game if on the highest difficulty which is not shown below. seriously, this is so amazingly hard my brain is exploding just talking about it):

I hope you guys think about purchasing this game, it's really worth the money and it's something you can work on in your spare time! Also, sorry about the HUGE post.. :oops:

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:08 pm
by StinkerSquad01
Ohhhh, I used to love this game! I have the newer version (I think) though, which doesn't seem to have the same puzzles, but it shares like one, the bubble puzzle was replaced with crossing a pond with the bubbles. I believe I have this lying around somewhere..

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:44 pm
by MyNameIsKooky
I played this game when I was little too! :shock:

I remember having lots of trouble with it. I was a stupid kid. :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:47 pm
by StinkerSquad01
According to the CD, I have V2.0.

EDIT: WHOOPS I'M STOOPID. It says logical journey on the CD but its really mountain rescue. :?

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:53 pm
by jdl
I just got done sending an email interview to the co-creator of the game and I'll post the answers to some of the questions I asked when he responds! I can't wait! :D
StinkerSquad01 wrote:According to the CD, I have V2.0.
I have the old v1.1 CD and I've ordered in v2.0 as well so I can play it on newer computers. The 2.0 CD came in a bundle with the other 2 games (Zoombinis Mountain Rescue and Zoombinis Island Odyssey). The bundle can be found on Amazon as well.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:12 pm
by Nobody
MyNameIsKooky wrote:I played this game when I was little too! :shock:
ME TOO!!!!11!!!!!!1!!!!!1!

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:21 am
by Master Wonder Mage
SO DID I!!!!

I actually still have all three games lying around somewhere. Island Odyssey was my favorite.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:29 am
by ab-47
Wow! I thought this died after my childhood!
I saw it when I bought some other CD, it was there as a commercial, I guess...

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:57 am
by yot yot5
I played this game too! I got about 300 zoombinies to Zoombinieville, then I gave up.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:25 am
by Dark Drago
I used to play this
long long ago,
very very long ago,
so long ago that
I don't remember how long ago.

LOL :lol:

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:43 am
by StinkerSquad01
Actually, quite a few logic puzzles from Mountain Rescue are kinda like the ones from Logical Journey...
Mountain Rescue : Logical Journey
Chez Norf : Pizza Pass
Magic Mirrors : Fleens!
Pipes of Paloo : Stone Rise

Maybe I can post some screenshots later.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:51 am
by yot yot5
StinkerSquad01 wrote:Actually, quite a few logic puzzles from Mountain Rescue are kinda like the ones from Logical Journey...
Mountain Rescue : Logical Journey
Chez Norf : Pizza Pass
Magic Mirrors : Fleens!
Pipes of Paloo : Stone Rise

Maybe I can post some screenshots later.
Mountain rescue was good, but didn't have as much replay value. I actually completed it within a few days.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:11 am
by jdl
StinkerSquad01 wrote:Actually, quite a few logic puzzles from Mountain Rescue are kinda like the ones from Logical Journey...
Mountain Rescue : Logical Journey
Chez Norf : Pizza Pass
Magic Mirrors : Fleens!
Pipes of Paloo : Stone Rise

Maybe I can post some screenshots later.
The very first puzzle in Mountain Rescue is the same as "The Lion's Lair" too. I find Mountain Rescue to be my second favorite in the series because it's more like the original. It would have probably been a lot better if they stuck to 2D with the old 256 colored art because it looks amazing.

Also Island Odyssey seems a bit easy, but I can't figure out how to do the puzzle with the Venn Diagram lights.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:08 pm
by Emerald141

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:41 pm
by StinkerSquad01
Emerald141 wrote:I've never played Logical Journey, but I did play Mountain Rescue when I was little. Does that count? :P
Yes. 8)

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:13 pm
by jdl
I was poking around the internet and, if you want, you can get a sticker or t-shirt of Arno wanting a pizza:

Click me for a T-shirt!
Click me for a sticker!

I might consider buying a sticker for something. 8)

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:04 pm
by Nobody
StinkerSquad01 wrote:Magic Mirrors : Fleens!.
Not really. Both included Fleens, but in terms of the actual logic they were quite different.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:05 pm
by StinkerSquad01

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:54 pm
by jdl
I found sprites of all possible Zoombini combinations. Man, it'd be really cool if someone took these and somehow made a Zoombinis game in Game Maker with them. :D Too bad I'm horrible at programming.

Sprite Set 1
Sprite Set 2
Sprite Set 3
Sprite Set 4
Sprite Set 5

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:21 pm
by Master Wonder Mage
I'm actually thinking of making a WA adventure with this style...

*added to my list of over-ambitious projects for the future*

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:16 am
by StinkerSquad01
Master Wonder Mage wrote:I'm actually thinking of making a WA adventure with this style...

*added to my list of over-ambitious projects for the future*
That's actually a cool idea.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:41 pm
by yot yot5
jdl wrote:
StinkerSquad01 wrote:Actually, quite a few logic puzzles from Mountain Rescue are kinda like the ones from Logical Journey...
Mountain Rescue : Logical Journey
Chez Norf : Pizza Pass
Magic Mirrors : Fleens!
Pipes of Paloo : Stone Rise

Maybe I can post some screenshots later.
The very first puzzle in Mountain Rescue is the same as "The Lion's Lair" too. I find Mountain Rescue to be my second favorite in the series because it's more like the original. It would have probably been a lot better if they stuck to 2D with the old 256 colored art because it looks amazing.

Also Island Odyssey seems a bit easy, but I can't figure out how to do the puzzle with the Venn Diagram lights.
Island Odyssey completely ruined my head. I didn't really understand the puzzles and some of them just needed LUCK.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:55 pm
by Nobody
yot yot5 wrote:
jdl wrote:
StinkerSquad01 wrote:Actually, quite a few logic puzzles from Mountain Rescue are kinda like the ones from Logical Journey...
Mountain Rescue : Logical Journey
Chez Norf : Pizza Pass
Magic Mirrors : Fleens!
Pipes of Paloo : Stone Rise

Maybe I can post some screenshots later.
The very first puzzle in Mountain Rescue is the same as "The Lion's Lair" too. I find Mountain Rescue to be my second favorite in the series because it's more like the original. It would have probably been a lot better if they stuck to 2D with the old 256 colored art because it looks amazing.

Also Island Odyssey seems a bit easy, but I can't figure out how to do the puzzle with the Venn Diagram lights.
Island Odyssey completely ruined my head. I didn't really understand the puzzles and some of them just needed LUCK.
They actually did have legitimate solutions if you were good enough at figuring stuff out. But yeah, Island Odyssey was probably the one I liked the least.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:30 pm
by jdl
I've done some math and the minimum amount of Zoombinis you need to unlock everything in the game is either 384 or 352, I'm not sure yet. You unlock buildings in Zoombiniville by completing all legs on all difficulty levels without losing any Zoombinis. Afterward, you can lose as many as you want and take your time completing the rest of the game. :D

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:32 pm
by yot yot5
I thought about laying this out in difficulty order. All these difficulty ratings are on based on the hardest difficulty.

Leg 1
Hardest: Pizza Pass
Medium: Allergic Cliffs
Easiest: Stone Cold Caves

Many people think the Caves are harder than the Cliffs, but I disagree. You can fail so many times on the Caves that I almost never lose any Zoombinies.

Leg 2A

Hardest: Captain Cajun's Ferryboat
Medium: Stone Rise
Easiest: Titanic Tattoed Toads

The Ferryboat is one of the hardest in the game on the hardest difficulty. Stone Rise is also hard, but not as bad as the Ferryboat. The Tattoed Toads just take a long time.

Leg 2B

Hardest: Hotel Dimensia
Medium: Fleens!
Easiest: Mudball Wall

The hotel is very hard on the hardest difficulty. Fleens are pretty easy if you think it through, and Mudball Wall uses similar methods.

Leg 3

Hardest: Bubblewonder Abyss
Medium: The Mirror Machine
Easiest: The Lion's Lair

The Mirror Machine takes ages and is pretty difficult, the Lion is easy as pie, and the Abyss is mind-destroying.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:46 pm
by jdl
yot yot5 wrote:The Mirror Machine takes ages and is pretty difficult, the Lion is easy as pie, and the Abyss is mind-destroying.
I agree about the Abyss, mostly because I've never beaten it on the hardest difficulty without losing any Zoombinis.

How many of you have beaten the game before? I'm still working on it. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:20 pm
by jdl
I got a reply from the co-creator of the game today. He's currently on a trip overseas and can't do the interview through email, however he said that we could do it over the phone.. Not too sure how that's going to work out. I'll post later if I was able to plan a call or not. :)

Captain Cajun's Ferryboat Very Very Hard

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:44 am
by DarkBitterSea
Has anyone got all 16 Zoombinis through Captain Cajun's Ferryboat Very Very Hard? If yes, any tips?

Re: Captain Cajun's Ferryboat Very Very Hard

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:00 am
by jdl
DarkBitterSea wrote:Has anyone got all 16 Zoombinis through Captain Cajun's Ferryboat Very Very Hard? If yes, any tips?
I've done it a couple times. The best thing to do would probably be to keep your zoombinis closely related from the top to the bottom, and if you run into a problem, try switching out some for others.

Hope this helps,

- Jdl

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:38 am
by jdl
Just figured I should bump this with some news!

The original makers of Zoombinis have been working with another company for quite awhile now to make a HD remake of the game. Well, this remake was released yesterday for iPad and Android tablets! They are also planning on eventually releasing the game on Kindle Fire and PC as well!

If you want to check out the new remake, go here: