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What happens when you beat Frazzled?

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 8:39 pm
by omarogi35
Look, for a very long time I have been stuck on the last 5 levels of Frazzled, and it is way too hard for me to beat so I give up at this point. What happens once you reach the end of the game? Do you get any new game modes? Is there any scene that plays? I just lost on the last level lol.

Re: What happens when you beat Frazzled?

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:38 am
by RoberTime
I remember skimming through most of the game using a "cheat code" that skips any level long ago. That game is brutally steep in difficulty curve.

But I remember seeing what happens myself if you beat the game...
Nothing happens. No specific scene. It's just a generic "you win" kind of screen (Not the exact verbatim, if I remember correctly) followed by a return to the menu.
Also that final level requiring two big X... :evil: