Wa Editor v3.00 Getting Started Guide

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Midnight Synergy
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Wa Editor v3.00 Getting Started Guide

Post by Midnight Synergy » Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:10 pm

As you may already know, the Wonderland Adventures editor is a gargantuan beast, and it requires a lot of patience and practice to get used to.

How do I get started?

1. Start the Player.exe file. Select Video Settings and press Play. INn the actual player, create a user profile (or use the default), then click Start Custom Adventure or Start Custom Hub.
2. This will get you to the Adventure List. The Editor comes with some basic adventures and a basic Hub for testing.
3. Next, you may wish to download the sample adventure from the forum: viewtopic.php?t=25484 Place the wa3 file into your “UserData\Custom\Download Inbox” directory. Restart the player (or press F12 from within the Adventure List screen to refresh) to play this level. You are now ready to download and play other user levels as they appear.

1. Start the Editor.exe file and select an Editor User Profile. Your username should be the same as the name you use on the forum, so that other players can easily recognize your adventure creations. You do not need to use the same name in the editor and in the player.
2. You are now in the Adventure Select screen. There are no adventures yet, so type in the filename of and adventure you wish to create (e.g. Test1). My test adventures will be visible to you - you can delete or edit them.
3. You will now be taken to the Master Screen. This allows you to enter a title, intro text, starting position, etc. It also has a screen (on the right) to select Levels and Dialogs to edit. Select 01 in the Editor List.
4. You are now in the 3D Editor section. Create a test level. Save and Exit when you’re done. This takes you back to the Master screen.
5. You can switch back and forth between Master/Level/Dialog screens as needed. When you’re done, press “Compile and Exit”. This will make a *.wa3 file and place in into both your “UserData\Custom\Download Inbox” directory (to test in the Player) and your “UserData\Custom\Download Outbox” directory (to upload, if you’re happy with it).

Further Help

This is a very quick "get started" guide. I hope to have other "How To?" guides up in the future to further help on specific topics. In the interim, here's two additional guides that can be of help:

1. The old editor had a set of tutorials at http://midnightsynergy.com/adventures/editor/ While many details have changed, some of the overall structure remains the same. Please do not use the download link at that page, as it points to the old version of the editor.

2. Emerald141 has compiled an excellent unofficial guide to the prior version here: viewtopic.php?t=22854 Again, most of the ideas carry over to v3.00
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