New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.7.1 Now Available!)

The Wonderland Open Source Project

Moderators: ILoveWonderland, Sammy_P, Lazy Loof

Rainbow Master
Posts: 525
Joined: Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:12 pm

New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.7.1 Now Available!)

Post by ILoveWonderland » Wed Jul 12, 2023 7:25 am

Edit: OpenWA Version 10.7.1 is now available at the link below! ... ctfea&dl=1

Hi, so with Jutomi's pride contest planning to conclude on Saturday, and with my entry using modded stuff that hasn't been released yet, I thought it would be a good if a new OpenWA version could be released by Saturday (the 15th). Since Lazy Loof doesn't seem interested in Wonderland anymore (though if he returns I'm fine with him being in charge again), I got the okay from a couple of the devs/admins to move the repository over to GitHub so we can actually make changes again, since the original repository was on GitLab which now requires a subscription for private repositories. If you want access, feel free to tell me your GitHub username and I'll add you. Also, since I'd like to get the next OpenWA version out by the end of the week, if you have any features you'd like released in the upcoming version make sure you add them in the next few days! Anyways, have fun! :)

The link to the new repository is

(Old repository was

Old Versions:
v10.7.0: ... w32ke&dl=1
v10.6.0: ... oqmfw&dl=1
v10.5.1: ... v84jc&dl=1
v10.5.0: ... itk09&dl=1
v10.4.1: ... mojqx&dl=1
v10.4.0: ... fn33o&dl=1
Older versions can be found at viewtopic.php?f=34&t=27821
Last edited by ILoveWonderland on Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Rainbow Master
Posts: 525
Joined: Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:12 pm

Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by ILoveWonderland » Wed Jul 12, 2023 7:26 am


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- fixed bugs
  - Magic Mirror now displays the correct texture in the editor and doesn't MAV when selecting an invalid texture
  - Fixed erroneously ZAdjusted Fireflowers in MOFI (Lazy Loof)
  - Fixed editor brush sometimes not showing the center square (Lazy Loof)
  - Editor Tooltip shows max objects per wlv as 1000 
    - It's actually still possible, though not recommended, to place up to 1024 object per wlv
  - Fixed ScaleAdjust not being able to be set to 0.0 in the editor
- The game launcher now has a "Borderless Window" option (instead of Windowed or Fullscreen modes) for the game
- Changed data values for setting a water gate or logic gate
  - Water Gates are now triggered by setting Data3 to 20002
  - Logic Gates are now triggered by setting Data4 to 20001 to 20007
- Retro Laser Gates now have an option to have "caps" as in the Classic Trilogy
  - Set Data2 to 20001 to make the "caps" appear at the laser gate ends
- Bridges have a new SFX option - Retro Bridge Collapse - that can be used by setting Data3 to 4.
- The inventory bag can be opened and closed with the shortcut key "i"

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- fixed bugs
  - Fixed teleporter texture scroll option (Data5)
  - Logic Gates now only work for gates with Subtype 0
  - Items with Fn "Dialog *" no longer glitch the inventory when the item is picked up
  - Glove Icon colors now display properly for bounce and clone magic, and when swapping items, in the inventory
  - Prism fixes
    - Spellballs can now correctly trigger superprisms multiple times when they are reflected off an ice wall
    - Flash Bubble Magic now gets split by prisms
    - Clone Magic clones prisms instead of being split by them (similar to Flash magic)
  - FPS Display now shows the correct value and can be toggled via F5 (jdl)
  - Coilies now have a bouncier animation (like the classic trilogy) and always play the sfx when moving
- The integer setter and variable condition setter can now have more precise decimal values for floats (which is when Data0 has a value of 220 or larger)
- Updated textures/models for the load screen, glovecharge, minotaurs, and bridges (jdl)
- NPCs can now have any sfx for their greeting (including custom sfx) by setting the "Greeting" adjuster to 34 or higher
- CMD 219: Win/Lose Adventure (jdl)
  - Setting Data0 to 0 means the adventure will be won when the command is triggered
  - Setting Data0 to 1 will kill the player when the command is triggered
- Custom Player Models
  - Use CMD 4, Data0 -2, Data1 103 to change the player's model without MAVing
  - In some cases it might be necessary to change the player's Data0 and Data2 values right before changing the model to prevent a MAV 
  - It may also be necessary to use CMD 4 to change the player's objecttexture, size, and rotation to get the desired appearance
  - To change the player back to the default model, use the "!NPC" model (and change the Data0 and Data2 values first to prevent a MAV)
  - Note: Model animations may not play depending on the model
- NEW MERGED MNIKEDITOR/OPENWA EDITOR!!!!! (Lazy Loof and joseppey, based on the editor by MNIK (obviously))
  - The new editor has all the features, shortcuts, and usability of the MNIKEditor with multiple features from the OpenWA Editor
  - OpenWA editor features added include:
    - Expanded hub editor
    - Cutscene editor
    - Certain updated textures such as for bridges, teleporters, cuboids, and gems
  - Most importantly, all new elements from OpenWA v10.4.0 to the current version now display the correct models and text labels

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- fixed bugs
  - Max object count per wlv is now 1024 (1020 + the player, their shadow, and their 2 accessories) (MNIK)
  - Significantly faster save/load times by automatic cleaning of the PlayerProfiles/"PlayerName"/Current directory when exiting the game
  - Autosave is significantly faster when moving between WLVs
  - Autosave now works correctly in hubs
  - Fixed MAV when a custom sfx is played via CMD 11 (local sfx)
  - Fix CMD 41/42 not working correctly when there is no object to duplicate
  - Fixed regular barrel magic creating linked barrels
  - Fixed alt-tabbing to minimize the game making the game think the ALT key is still being held down when the game is in focus again
    - Note that the alt key will need to be pressed twice to be able to be used again once the game window is in focus again
  - A couple more shadow fixes
  - Music in an adventure loads only after Autosave is finished
  - Fixed Camera Commands not resetting between adventures
  - Fixed Camera Command values saving/loading correctly
  - Fixed brr pads being destroyed in non-water gates
  - Fixed particle effects for grow flower and floing bubble destruction
  - Less lag for wlvs with spell balls or moobots
  - Many compatibility fixes for old WAv096 adventures
    - Old music packs can be played in the new Data/musicv096 folder
    - Tile Logic 6 (which was Logic 5 in v096) now works correctly
    - Cage Blinking glitch
    - Negative Magic
    - WA1 Brr behavior
    - Turtles immune to fire traps
    - Pow can't be targeted on tiles with wall or water logic
    - Correct stinker greeting voices
    - Crimson magic has correct color
    - Crimson magic works when shot from fireflowers
    - Correct accessories load for Stinker models
    - To play an adventure in WAv096 compatibility mode, either copy the options.ose file included with the executables into the adventure folder, or
      decompile the adventure from a .wa2 file
  - Fixed code so that vscode extension for Visual Studio can work (Lazy Loof)
- Water gates are now created by setting the gate's Data3 value to 2 (rather than 1; this was done to ensure backwards compatibility for some old adventures)
- A -2 value for an object's Linked attribute specifies the Player for the object to link to
- A -2 value for a CMD4 Data1 value specifies the Player for the CMD4 to act on
- CMD 126 update: Data2 values of 4,5,6 are the same as Data2 value of 1,2,3, respectively, but 4,5,6 plays the animations at 1/100th of the speed
- Super Prisms (idea/texture by the W+ team, programmed in OpenWA by joseppey)
  - Prisms with Data0 value of 1
  - Like regular prisms, but they aren't destroyed when a spell ball enters/exits the prisms
- New Void Options
  - If a void object's Data3 value is set to 1, no earthquake will be triggered when the void activates
  - A void object's Data4 value can be used to set the sfx that plays when the void activates
    - A data4 value of 0 plays the default sfx
    - A data4 value greater than 0 but less than 1000 plays the corresponding (technically Data4 minus 1) sfx in the Data/Sound or Data/NewSounds folder
    - A data4 value 1000 or greater plays a custom sfx
- CMD4 can now be used on string attributes
  - Use TextData0 instead of Data3 to change a string attribute (In the MNIKEditor, TextData0 can be set by ctrl+left on the empty line directly below the Data9 adjuster) 
  - The following lists which Data2 values change an object's attributes (for string attributes)
    - 103: ModelName; 104: TextureName; 105: TextData0; 106: TextData1; 107: TextData2; 108: TextData3; 109: FutureString1; 110: FutureString2
  - If changing an object's model or texture, it might be necessary to change another attribute of the object first to prevent a MAV
    - For example, if changing an object's model to !NPC, make sure the object's Data0-9 values are in a range that won't cause a MAV from loading an invalid skin/accessory file
  - Note that CMD4 CANNOT change string attributes for an object in a different WLV
  - The Midnight Vault CAN be used to use CMD4 on string attributes - just backspace then type in the values like with any other command
- CMD 127/128: Add/Remove from Inventory
  - CMD 127 Adds an item to the player's inventory
    - Data1 indicates the item's function
    - Data2 is the item's ID
    - Data3 is the item's texture
    - TextData0 is the item's name
    - TextData1 is the item's description (when the cursor hovers on the inventory item)
    - This command can be used by either a General Command button or via the Midnight Vault
  - CMD 128 Removes an item from the player's inventory
    - Data1 is the ID of the item(s) to be removed
- Clone Magic (nasko222)
  - Magic with Data0 value of 16
  - Like Flash Magic, but when used on an object, Clone Magic will not cause the original object to disappear; the object at (1,1) is a new object
- Logic Gates (nasko222 and joseppey)
  - Color Block gates with logic determined by the gate's Data4 value
  - For Data4, 0 is a regular gate, 1 is a NOT gate, 2 is an AND gate, 3 is an OR gate, 4 is an XOR gate, 5 is a NAND gate, 6 is a NOR gate, 7 is an XOR gate
  - A NOT gate is a just like a regular gate with reverse logic (for instance pressing a corresponding square button will raise the gate instead of lowering it)
  - The other logic gate types are associated with two colors
    - The first color is determined by the ID (as usual) 
    - The second color is determined by the gate's Data5 and Data6 values, which correspond to the second color and subcolor respectively
    - For example, if a gate has a Data4 value of 2, an ID of 500, and Data5 value of 2, both red AND yellow buttons must be pressed to lower the gate
    - The colors on logic gates become dark to indicate if a button with that respective color has been pressed
    - Color changer buttons change the logic gates left color (the color determined by ID)
  - Keys can also be used on a closed logic gate to change its status
  - Note: it is recommended that you set NOT, NAND, NOR and XNOR gates to be initially inactive (open) or their initial behavior may have unintended effects
- Integer Setter and Variable Conditioning (nasko222)
  - Integer Setter
    - The WOP can be found under the new "Triggers" category
    - Used to set the value of many global variables 
    - The Integer Setter object is activated, setting a variable, via a CMD1
    - Data0 is used to select the specific variable to be changed; see below for a list of corresponding values
    - Data1 and Data2 are used to specify certain variables for certain Data0 values
      - Data1 is used with Data0 values 72,73,90,91,92,105,110-117, 201-204, and 211-219
      - Data2 is used with Data0 values 201-204 and 218
    - Data4 is the value that will be set
    - Data9 value 0 allows it to be repeatably triggered, value 1 makes it once-use, value 2 makes it inactive
    - For example, setting Data0 to 28 and Data4 to 600 sets PlayerLavaTimer=600, making the player immediately very hot!
  - Variable Conditioning
    - The WOP can be found under the new "Triggers" category
    - Used to create a conditional statement that triggers a Command if the condition is met
    - The Variable Conditioning object is always active (no additional CMD1 is necessary to activate it)
    - Data0 is used to select the specific variable to be changed; see below for a list of corresponding values
    - Data1 and Status are used to specify certain variables for certain Data0 values
      - Data1 is used with Data0 values 72,73,90,91,92,105,110-117, 201-204, and 211-219
      - Status is used with Data0 values 201-204 and 218
    - Data2 is the value to check
    - Data3 is the condition; 
      - Data3 corresponding values: -1: Not Equal to; 0: Less Than; 1: Less Than or Equal to; 2: Equal to; 3: Greater Than or Equal to; 4: Greater Than
    - Data4 is the CMD number that activates when the condition is met
    - Data5 is the CMD Data1
    - Data6 is the CMD Data2
    - Data7 is the CMD Data3
    - Data8 is the CMD Data4
    - Data9 value 0 allows it to be repeatably triggered, value 1 makes it once-use, value 2 makes it inactive
    - For example, setting Data0 to 22, Data2 to 6, Data3 to 2, Data4 to 2, and Data5 to 530 opens purple gates (ID 530) when CurrentSpell=6 (when gloves are charged with blink magic)
    - Another example, setting Data0 to 40, Data2 to 33, Data3 to 0, Data4 to 1, and Data5 to 510 closes yellow gates (ID 510) when NofBabyBoomersInAdventure<33   
  - The following lists the global variables and their corresponding Data0 values
    - (X) indicates Data1 value; (X,Y) indicates Data1 and Data2/Status value
    - 0: GameMode; 1: OldGameMode; 2: LevelTimer; 3: AdventureTimer; 5: LightRed; 6: LightGreen; 7: LightBlue; 10: DelayCommand; 11: DelayData1; 12: DelayData2; 13: DelayData3; 
      14: DelayData4; 20: CurrentReplayAdventure; 21: SpellActive; 22: CurrentSpell; 23: CurrentCharm; 24: CurrentSpellPower; 25: CurrentLightPower; 26: HomingActive; 27: IndigoActive; 
      28: PlayerLavaTimer; 29: CloneMagicStatus; 30: NofWeeStinkersInAdventure; 31: NofWeeStinkersFollowing; 32: NofWeeStinkersFollowingLast; 33: NofScrittersInAdventure; 
      34: NofCrabsInAdventure; 35: NofFireflowersInAdventure; 36: NofZBotisInAdventure; 37: NofZBotNPCSInAdventure; 38: NofGemsInAdventure; 39: NofBricksInAdventure; 40: NofBabyBoomersInAdventure; 
      41: NofFloingBubbles; 42: GlobalGrowFlowerCounter; 43: GlobalFloingBubbleCounter; 46: LevelMusic; 47: LevelWeather; 48: LightningStorm; 49: PlayerLevelStartingYaw; 51: PlayerObject; 
      52: StinkerObject; 53: PlayerTalkToGoalObject; 54: LastPlayerControl; 61: PlayerTextureBody; 62: PlayerAcc1; 63: PlayerAcc2; 64: PlayerTexAcc1; 65: PlayerTexAcc2; 66: PlayerVoice; 
      67: PlayerPitch; 72: MapPieceFound(X); 73: MysteryNumber(X); 74: WA3BlueFlower; 75: WA3BlueFlowerStatus; 80: PlayerCoins; 81: PlayerCoinsCollected; 82: PlayerGems; 83: PlayerStars; 
      84: PlayerScore; 85: InventorySize; 86: NofInventoryItems; 90: InventoryItem(X); 91: InventoryID(X); 92: InventoryTexture(X); 93: InventorySwapItem; 94: InventorySwapIcon; 101: ShardsAreActive; 
      102: ShardHitCounter; 103: ShardLastHit; 104: ShardMelodyTimer; 105: Shard Melody(X); 110: AdventureCompleted(X); 111: AdventureCompletedTime(X); 112: AdventureCompletedGems(X); 
      113: AdventureCompletedGemsTotal(X); 114: AdventureCompletedCoins(X); 115: AdventureCompletedCoinsTotal(X); 116: AdventureCompletedScore(X); 117: AdventureSecretStar(X); 
      120: CurrentAdventureGems; 121: CurrentAdventureCoins; 122: CurrentAdventureTime; 123: CurrentAdventureScore; 124: ReplayAdventureGemsBetter; 125: ReplayAdventureCoinsBetter; 
      126: ReplayAdventureScoreBetter; 127: PreReplayAdventureLevel; 128: PreReplayAdventureX; 129: PreReplayAdventureY; 150: IsThereAFlipBridge; 151: CageBlinking; 152: MOFIAlphaGrowFlower; 
      153: NegativeDestructive; 154: WA1BRR; 155: WA096Fireproof; 156: LegacyPOWCheck; 201: LevelTileLogic(X,Y); 202: ObjectTileLogic(X,Y); 203: FlipBridgeTile(X,Y); 204: FlipBridgeHeight(X,Y); 
      211: AStarOpen(X); 212: AStarF(X); 213: AStarG(X); 214: AStarH(X); 215: AStarParent(X); 216: AStarX(X); 217: AStarY(Y); 218: AStarGrid(X,Y); 219: AStarPathNode(X); 220: CameraZoomLevel; 
      221: CameraAddX; 222: CameraAddY; 223: CameraAddZ; 224: CameraAddXCurrent; 225: CameraAddYCurrent; 226: CameraAddZCurrent; 227: CameraAddZoom; 228: CameraAddZoomCurrent; 229: CameraShakeTimer; 
      230: CameraShakeX; 231: CameraShakeY; 232: AltXX; 233: AltXY; 234: AltXY2; 235: AltXZ; 236: EntityX#(Camera); 237: EntityY#(Camera); 238: EntityZ#(Camera); 239: EntityPitch#(Camera); 
      240: EntityYaw#(Camera); 241: EntityRoll#(Camera)

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- fixed bugs and QA updates
  - Fixed green scouges having incorrect visual rotation appearance
  - Added particle effects for objects destroyed in water gates
  - Reduced loading time when loading within an adventure
  - ID Count Gates no longer count objects that are deactived
  - Fixed glitch where spellballs are destroyed in the right-most column and bottom-most row of a level (this made the Blast Em adventures in WA1 impossible)
  - Fixed save file screenshot resolutions for saves made in widescreen mode
  - Fixed minotaurs leaving behind floor tiles when on bridges that are sunk
  - Updated animation for minotaurs when they are sinking
  - Retro objects now have their original Classic Trilogy sound effects
    - UFOs default to being silent, but setting the UFO's Data2 value to 1 will give them their classic trilogy sfx
  - Fixed CMD 16 causing compatibility issues in some previous adventures that used it
  - Flash artifact glitch fixed for moving objects that are flashed
  - Fixed Random Trigger probability range
  - Fixed loader skipping some resolution options on some systems (Lazy Loof)
  - Fixed shaders for bridges in gems
  - Fixed some monster animations in 3D mode
  - Fixed adventure score being doubled in hubs for the first playthrough
  - Fixed shadows causing significant lag in wlvs with high object counts
  - Other shadow fixes
- Transporter pulsating can be toggled via an option in the options menu
- Loading a saved game can be done via the hotkey ALT (instead of 'L', though 'L' is still an option)
- Autosaving
  - Whenever starting an adventure, hub, or entering a wlv, the game automatically saves your game into save slot 10
  - The game also autosaves when exiting the game, and is still available the next time the game starts up
  - The autosave can be loaded by clicking on "Autosave" in the lower-left corner of the load game menu, or by using the hotkeys in game ((L or Alt)+V)
- Stinker NPCs now can have custom object textures (including Stinker NPCs with accessories)
- RTW Kabooms now have multiple movementtype options
  - Setting the Kaboom's Data2 value to 0 will give the kabooms ZBot movement (this is the default)
  - Setting the Kaboom's Data2 value to 1 will give the kabooms movement the same as it was in the Classic Trilogy - the kabooms will hug and follow the wall
- New Teleporter Visual Options
  - Data3 triggers the star texture on the teleporters
    - Setting the teleporter's Data3 value to 0 reverts to default (stars on regular teleporter textures, no stars on custom textures)
    - Setting the teleporter's Data3 value to 1 always creates stars; setting Data3 to 2 always removes stars
  - Setting the teleporter's Data4 value to 1 removes the star particles at the base of the teleporter
  - Setting the teleporter's Data5 value to 1 for teleporters with custom object textures causes the custom texture to scroll upwards (like the star textures do)
    - Note: Using this setting will cause ALL instances of the custom object texture in the wlv to scroll, even on non-teleporter objects
- CMD 116/117 can now be used for choosing specific accessories
  - If both Data1 and Data3 are set to 0, the commands still work the same as before (they cycle through the accessories)
  - Setting Data1 to a positive value gives the player an accessory (the first accessory) with file number equal to 1 lower than the Data1 value
  - Setting Data2 to a positive value gives the first accessory the texture corresponding to the Data2 value
  - Setting Data3 to a positive value gives the player an accessory (the second accessory) with file number equal to 1 lower than the Data3 value
  - Setting Data4 to a positive value gives the second accessory the texture corresponding to the Data4 value
  - Setting Data1 and Data3 to a negative value reverts the first and second accessory, respectively, back to the player's defaults
- CMD4 has been updated so that ANY (non-string) object attribute can be changed via the CMD
  - CMD 4 Data2 value can now range from 1 to 102
  - Any attribute (1 to 102) can also now be changed across wlvs too (via data4)
  - The following lists which Data2 values change an object's attributes (for integer attributes)
    - 1-33 are the same as before
    - 34: LastActive; 35: Reactive; 36: Child; 37: Parent; 38: Talkable; 39: CurrentAnim; 40: StandardAnim; 41: TileX; 42: TileY; 43: TileX2; 44: TileY2; 45: MovementTimer;
      46: MoveXGoal; 47: MoveYGoal; 48: TileTypeCollision; 49: ObjectTypeCollision; 50: Caged; 51: Dead; 52: DeadTimer; 53: Exclamation; 54: Shadow; 55: Linked; 56: LinkBack;
      57: Flying; 58: Frozen; 59: Indigo; 60: FutureInt24; 61: FutureInt25
  - Data2 values 62 to 102 change an object's attributes that have float (decimal) values
    - Therefore, for these data2 values, the attribute will be given a value equal to data3 divided by 100
    - For example, if data2 is 67, and Data3 is 500, then the object will be given a ZAdjust value of 5.00
    - The following lists which Data2 values change an object's attributes (for integer attributes)
    - 62: XScale; 63: YScale; 64: ZScale; 65: XAdjust; 66: YAdjust; 67: ZAdjust; 68: PitchAdjust; 69: YawAdjust; 70: RollAdjust; 71: X; 72: Y; 73: Z; 74: OldX; 75: OldY; 76: OldZ;
      77: DX; 78: DY; 79: DZ; 80: Pitch; 81: Yaw; 82: Roll; 83: Pitch2; 84: Yaw2; 85: Roll2; 86: XGoal; 87: YGoal; 88: ZGoal; 89: Speed; 90: Radius; 91: PushDX; 92: PushDy;
      93: ScaleAdjust; 94: ScaleXAdjust; 95: ScaleYAdjust; 96: ScaleZAdjust; 97-102: FutureFloat5 to FutureFloat10
  - As always with CMD4, changing an attribute may have unexpected effects
- Alternate and Secret Stars for hubs
  - Alternate Stars (nasko222)
    - Stars with Subtype 1
    - Work like regular stars in adventures, but once obtained, they take you to an alternate location in the hub, rather than the normal WonExit coordinates
    - The alternate location is specified by the star's Data5,6,7 values, which represent the Level,x coordinate,and y coordinate, respectively
  - Secret Stars (joseppey)
    - Stars with Subtype 2
    - Like Alternate Stars, they return you to the location specified by the star's Data5,6,7 values
    - Secret Stars are counted as their own distinct stars (from the regular adventure win star/conditions) for the hub's overall star count
    - If the player gets a secret star in an adventure before getting the regular star, the adventure's Adventure Start star in the hub will still be active so the player can also get the adventure's regular star
    - If the player misses a secret star in an adventure before getting a regular star, the secret star can still be obtained via the floing wizard adventure replay
    - If the player gets a secret star in an adventure via the floing wizard adventure replay, the player will still be taken to the alternate location specified by Data5,6,7 rather than back to the floing wizard
    - Note: If any new inventory items are obtained in an adventure and the player exits the adventure via secret star, the player will not retain the new inventory items, even if it's the initial playthrough of the adventure
    - Note 2: DO NOT put more than 1 secret star in an adventure, or the hub's total star count will be wrong
- CMD 84-87: Camera Commands
  - Command 84 adjusts the camera's position 
    - Data1,Data2,Data3 moves the camera among the X,Y,and Z axes, respectively
    - If Data4 is set to 0, the position given by Data1-3 are absolute coordinates
      - For example, if Data1 is 5, and Data2 is 6, and Data3 is 1, then the camera will move to tile (5,6) and be one unit higher on the ZAxis than usual
    - If Data4 is set to 1, the camera will translate relative to the current camera position
      - The camera will translate an amount equal to Data1/2/3 multiplied by 0.1
      - For example, if Data1 is 60, Data2 is -20, and Data3 is 35, the camera will translate 6 tiles right, 2 tiles down, and 3.5 units up on the ZAxis from the camera's current position
  - Command 85 rotates the camera
    - Data1, Data2, Data3 gives the camera's rotation in terms of pitch, roll, and yaw, respectively, in units of degrees
    - Setting Data4 to 0 gives absolute rotation (with the default rotation being equal to 0 degrees in all directions)
    - Setting Data4 to 1 rotates the camera relative to the current rotation
  - Command 86 rotates the camera around either the player or the CameraFocusObject (determined by CMD 16) in the camera's current XY plane
    - Data1 gives the amount of rotation (in degrees) around the object
    - Data4 value 0 gives absolute rotation, Data4 value 1 gives relative rotation
    - CMD 86 works even if the camera has been translated - as long as the camera has an initial rotation of 0 and the camera is pointed at the player/camerafocusobject when CMD 86 is used
  - Command 87 resets the camera to its default position (no translation/rotation and pointing at the player/camerafocusobject)
- CMD 125 and 126: Custom Model Animations
  - Objects that have custom models, Object Type of 160, and Subtype 2 can have animations
  - CMD 125 loads a specific animation sequence from the custom model animation
    - Data1 gives the Object ID, Data2 gives the first frame number of the animation sequence, Data3 gives the last frame of the animation sequence
  - CMD 126 plays the custom model animation
    - Data1 gives the Object ID
    - Data2 gives the type of animation
      - Data2 value 0 stops the animation
      - Data2 value 1 loops the animation
      - Data2 value 2 "Ping-Pongs" the animation (the animation plays forwards then plays backwards, then forwards, then backwards, and so on)
      - Data2 value 3 plays the animation once
    - Data3 gives the animation speed 
      - Negative Data3 values play the animation backwards
    - Data4 gives the animation sequence (as determined by CMD 125) to be played
      - Data4 value 0 plays all frames in the custom model
      - Data4 values 1 and up plays the sequence determined from CMD 125
      - Each time a CMD 125 is activated, a new sequence is created, so make sure the CMD 125s are one-use and activated in the correct order
      - For example, if the Data4 value is 2, the sequence created from the 2nd time a CMD 125 was activated (for the specific object) will be played
- Updates in the descriptions below (in the v10.5.0 section) for ID Count Gates, Nitrogen Barrels, Ice Crabs, Flash Bubbles, and Minotaurs

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- fixed bugs
  - Fixed custom object textures for teleporters, cuboids, and gems (joseppey)
  - FINALLY fixed the glitch where when saving the game, the correct light values weren't always saved (joseppey)
  - Fixed using flash causing a visual artifact of the object to appear in an incorrect location for a single frame (joseppey)
  - Fixed scritters in WA1E levels being red instead of blue (Lazy Loof)
  - Fixed player getting stuck casting Blink when aiming at left level border (Lazy Loof)
  - Fixed flashing a Blink Barrel in front of a Spring destroys the Barrel and Blinks you to x1,y1 instead of where you tried placing the Barrel (Lazy Loof)
  - Stinkers and Baby Boomers now do not move beyond Widescreen range (Lazy Loof)
  - Once-use (large) 9-Magic chargers now show different particle effects from multi-use chargers (nasko222)
  - Fixed the stinker whistle inventory item not being able to be moved to a different slot in the inventory (nasko222)
  - A bunch of fixes and QA upgrades for CMD 80/3D mode (joseppey)
  - A bunch of fixes to shadows (joseppey)
- New and Updated Gameplay Elements
  - Water Gates: Gates (other than tollgates) that have their Data3 value set to 1 can be used on water tiles - opening the gate makes the tile logic water (joseppey)
    - Works with any gate that has an Object Type of either 10 or 424
  - Score Gates and Gem Gates: Tollgates with Data1 value of 2,3 have their cost based on the player's score and gem count, respectively (nasko222)
  - ID Count Gates: Tollgates with Data1 value of 4 that are lowered only when the number of objects in the wlv with a certain ID is within a certain range (joseppey)
    - Tollgates with Subtype 4
    - Data0 is the object ID that is counted
    - Data2 and Data3 give the minimum and maximum (respectively) number of objects with the ID (given by Data0) that can be in the wlv for the gate to be lowered
    - These gates can back up if the number of objects with the ID leaves the range given
  - Lava Turtles: Turtles that are deadly and sink in lava instead of water (nasko222)
    - Lava turtles are turtles with Subtype 1
  - Linked Barrels: If one linked barrel is destroyed by Pow, all other linked barrels with the same Colour and Subcolour values are also destroyed (nasko222)
    - Linked barrels are Barrel Regs with Subtype 1
    - Data0 and Data1 are the barrel's Color and Subcolour, respectively
  - Nitrogen Barrels: Barrels that release brr instead of pow when destroyed (nasko222)
    - Nitrogen barrels have Object Type 244 and model !Barrel2b
    - A WOP for this object has been included
  - Ice Crabs: Crabs that act like red crabs, but when sunk in water they act as ice tiles rather than floor tiles; they also cannot be frozen, but POWing them turns them into red crabs (nasko222)
    - Ice crabs are crabs with Subtype 2
    - A WOP for this object has been included
  - RTW Kabooms: As the name suggests, they act like Kaboom enemies from the Classic Wonderland Trilogy (nasko222)
    - RTW Kabooms have Object Type 391 and model !KaboomRTW
    - Data0 value 0,1,2,3 sets the Kaboom's initial direction to North, East, South, and West, respectively
    - Data1 value 0,1 sets the Kaboom's rotation to Counterclockwise and Clockwise, respectively
    - A WOP for this object has been included
  - Turtle/Chomper/Moobot/RTW Kaboom Tile Tracking: The option to make these objects move only on their initial tile texture (such as with Zapbots and Weebots) has been added (nasko222)
    - Set Data4 equal to the Texture ID + 1
  - Green Scouges: Green scouges are flashable and can be activated, deactivated, and rotated using buttons (nasko222)
    - Green scouges are scouges with Subtype 1
    - The green scouge object ID must be manually set to the corresponding button colour value (which is usually at or above 500) 
  - Brr Scouges: Both regular and green scouges now have the option to shoot BRR by setting Data4 to 1 (nasko222)
  - New Magic Types: (nasko222)
    - Magic with Data0 values of 11,12,13 shoot Barrel Regs, Barrel TNTs, and Nitrogen Barrels, respectively
    - Magic with Data0 value 14 creates Flash Bubbles, which are similar to floing bubbles, but they aren't set to a timer to burst; flash bubbles can only trap magic spells, while all other objects destroy the flash bubble when an object enters the bubble
  - Custom Item Dialog: Custom Items with Subtypes of 8, 18, or 28 will start the dialog number equal to the item's FN ID when the item is used (nasko222)
  - Minotaurs: They act like moobots, but they don't rotate or deactivate when they hit an object or wall (only buttons can do that), they aren't BRRable, but can be sunk in water (nasko222)
    - Minotaurs have Object Type 462 and model !Vehicle
    - Data0 and Data1 are the minotaur's Colour and Subcolour, respectively
    - Set Data0 to a negative value to not give the minotaur a colour at all
    - Data2 values 0,1,2,3 set the minotaur's initial direction to North, East, South, and West, respectively
    - Data3 values 0,1 set the minotaur to initially being activated and deactivated, respectively
    - A WOP for this object has been included
  - Minotaur Spawner: They continuously spawn minotaurs, rotating 90 degrees every time a minotaur is spawned (nasko222)
    - Minotaur spawners have Object Type 464 and model !Vehicle
    - Data0 values 0,1,2,3 set the spawner's initial direction to South, West, North, and East, respectively
    - A WOP for this object has been included
  - Minotaur Ghost Box: They block minotaurs, but other objects can go through it (nasko222)
    - Minotaur ghost boxes have Object Type 465 and model !Vehicle
    - If Subtype is 0, then the ghost box is destroyed when objects go into it; if Subtype is 1, then only Pop will destroy it
    - A WOP for this object has been included
  - Minotaur Rotator: They rotate minotaurs that hit the rotator (nasko222)
    - Minotaur rotators have Object Type 463, Subtype 0, and model !Vehicle
    - Data0 values 0,1,2 rotate minotaurs Counterclockwise, Clockwise, and 180 degrees, respectively
    - A WOP for this object has been included
  - Minotaur Destroyer: They destroy minotaurs that hit the destroyer (nasko222)
    - Minotaur destroyers have Object Type 463, Subtype 1, and model !Vehicle
    - A WOP for this object has been included
  - Random Trigger: When this object is activated, one of two commands will be randomly chosen to be activated (nasko222)
    - A separate CMD 1 must be used to activate the random trigger
    - Random triggers have Object Type 502
    - Data0 is the 1st CMD number
    - Data1-4 are the Data1-4 values of the 1st CMD
    - Data5 is the 2nd CMD number
    - Data6-9 are the Data1-4 values of the 2nd CMD
    - The Status value can be set from 0 to 100, and gives the probability that the 1st CMD is triggered when the random trigger is activated
    - Therefore, the probability that the 2nd CMD is triggered when the random trigger is activated is equal to 100-Status
    - A WOP for this object has been included
  - New Wraith Magic Types: Setting Data2 to 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 corresponds to the wraith shooting Floing, Pop, Blink, Flash Bubbles, Barrel Regs, Barrel TNTs, Nitrogen Barrels, and Blink Barrels (nasko222)
  - Homing Wraiths: Wraiths with Subtype 1 shoot homing magic (nasko222)
  - Killer Moobots: Moobots with Subtype 1 are deadly (nasko222)
    - Set Data8 to 0 to make the moobot golden; set Data8 to 1 to make the moobot look bigger 
  - Homing Fireflowers: Fireflowers with Data7 value of 1 will shoot homing magic (nasko222)
  - Glitch Enabler: When the player enters a wlv with a glitch enabler object, a glitch from WA1 or MOFI alpha will be enabled, depending on the Subtype (nasko222)
    - Glitch enablers have Object Type 501
    - Subtype 0 - Cage Blinking
    - Subtype 1 - MOFI Alpha Growflowers
    - Subtype 2 - Negative Destructive Magic (black magic)
    - Subtype 3 - WA1 BRR - Player doesn't freeze, and all BRR magic is temporary
    - Subtype 4 - WA1 Firetraps - Only the player, wee stinkers, and scritters can be killed by firetraps
    - Subtype 5 - WA1 Pow/Crimson Magic - Pow can't be aimed at walls, crimson (homing) magic replaces floing magic
    - A WOP for this object has been included
- New Commands and Other New Features
  - Custom Sound Effects can now be used with CMD 10 and CMD 11 (kumaccino)
    - The file name must be a number 1000 or over
    - The file must be a .wav file
    - Place the file in the folder UserData\Custom\Sounds
    - Example valid filepath: C:\OPENWA\UserData\Custom\Sounds\1200.wav
    - kumaccino calls dibs on numbers 1000-1099 and 7000-7999 so don't use those
  - Mist/Fog Effects (joseppey)
    - Triggered using CMD 78
    - Data1 ranges from 0-101 and controls the Fog thickness (101 causes the fog to also cover the HUD)
    - Data2-4 ranges from 0-255 and controls RGB colour value
  - Silent/Invisible Teleporters (joseppey)
    - Set the teleporters' Data2 value to 1 to make teleportation silent and not make any particles appear when teleporting
    - Make sure to ZAdjust the teleporters (to either a very high or low value) in order to make them completely invisible
  - Player NPC object will create an NPC that copies a player's appearance (KyuuGryphon)
    - Model name is !PlayerNPC
    - A WOP for this object has been included
  - Custom model rotation speeds (Data0/1/2) are now divided by the object's Status value, allowing for more precise and/or slower rotation speeds (kumaccino)
    - If the Status value is 0, then the rotation speeds are only determined by Data0/1/2 - as in previous versions of OpenWA/WAEditor
    - For example, if a custom model's Status value is 5, then its rotation speed will be divided by 5
  - Objects that are BRRed (not permanently) now have a thawing animation (KyuuGryphon)
  - Magic chargers with Data1 set to 2 are unusable but still show particles; chargers with Data1 set to 3 (or higher) are unusable and do not show particles (joseppey)
  - Added global widescreen cheat: use Ctrl+G to activate and Ctrl+Shift+G to deactivate (Lazy Loof)
  - Ctrl+Shift+B now deactivates wall-blinking (Lazy Loof)
  - A new main menu option allows you to set the main menu music (nasko222)
  - Editor and WOP updates for the added features in this OpenWA version (joseppey)

Code: Select all

- smoothed the vertical camera transition when walking up and down stairs (joseppey)
- fixed shadows Z-adjusting erroneously in water (joseppey)

Code: Select all

- fixed bugs
   - fixed a security issue that allowed wa2/wa3 files to inject malicious files to the user (ALEXALEX976)
   - prevent garbage input from player movement from appearing in vault inputs (MNIK)
   - CMD 14 now plays music at the proper volume (MNIK)
   - One-use 9-charges no longer emit particles after use, which reflects their behavior in WA1E (MNIK)
   - Fixed OpenWA's botched texture mapping on suctube arrows (MNIK)
- a bunch of command updates
   - CMD 4 Data2 33 now sets an object's MovementSpeed (doesn't work across levels at this time) (MNIK)
   - CMD 6 Data4 now sets the speed light is changed (kumaccino)
   - Added CMD 19 for panning
   - CMD 71, 72, 73, 75 activates, deactivates, toggles, and destroys, respectively, the object on the tile specified with Data1 x-coordinate and Data2 y-coordinate (kumaccino)
   - CMD 76 changes ambience without changing light, and CMD 77 changes light without changing ambience (kumaccino)
   - CMD 80 - setting Data1 to 1 triggers 3D visual mode (and setting Data1 to 0 reverts the game back to normal mode) (joseppey)
   - Added CMD 121, 122, and 123, which add Data1 to the player's coin, gem, and star count respectively. Use negative Data1 to subtract from the player's counts. These new commands replace the old Give star and Give coin Midnight Vault keybinds that people kept triggering by accident. (MNIK)
- Press F7 to toggle wireframe mode while the Midnight Vault is active (MNIK)

See changelog in the OpenWA download for earlier versions.
Last edited by ILoveWonderland on Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by nasko222 » Wed Jul 12, 2023 8:13 pm

if any

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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by nasko222 » Wed Jul 12, 2023 8:14 pm

also count me in, my username is the same everywhere (except twitch, and other random platforms i no longer use)
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by ILoveWonderland » Wed Jul 12, 2023 11:32 pm

nasko222 wrote:
Wed Jul 12, 2023 8:14 pm
also count me in, my username is the same everywhere (except twitch, and other random platforms i no longer use)
An invite has been sent! :)
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by nasko222 » Thu Jul 13, 2023 7:10 am

poggers ill accept it after work (ill be a little bit late i hope it doesnt expire soon)
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by ILoveWonderland » Fri Jul 14, 2023 4:50 am

Just a heads up I'm planning to release a new OpenWA version in approximately 24 hours from now so if anyone wants to add any new features that will be in the next update make sure you add them very soon! If you want to add some features but can't do it in the next 24 hours, I know there are some feature requests that haven't been implemented yet so it's likely there will be another update in the not-too-distant future, so you can add the features to the latter update instead if needed. :)
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by nasko222 » Fri Jul 14, 2023 7:03 pm

what happened to my request for some of the better editor features
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by ILoveWonderland » Fri Jul 14, 2023 11:04 pm

nasko222 wrote:
Fri Jul 14, 2023 7:03 pm
what happened to my request for some of the better editor features
I only had the OpenWA source code up to the most recent release in November 2021, but I've contacted the administrators of the old repository about moving the more recent additions over so it should be there soon.
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by nasko222 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 6:10 am

better editor is on my github, some of the features are impossible to merge, but some of them are easy like RTW kabooms, linked barrels, reg and tnt barrel magic, rotarable scouges, you can port these with ease i think

also the option to have custom menu music
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by ILoveWonderland » Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:54 pm

nasko222 wrote:
Sat Jul 15, 2023 6:10 am
better editor is on my github, some of the features are impossible to merge, but some of them are easy like RTW kabooms, linked barrels, reg and tnt barrel magic, rotarable scouges, you can port these with ease i think

also the option to have custom menu music
Those features all sound really interesting! I'll look into adding them in the next update. :)

Anyways, I'm happy to announce that OpenWA version 10.4.0 has been released! This version primarily adds a bunch of new command updates, including CMD 80 which triggers 3D visual mode. This allows the player's (and other objects') height to be adjusted via teleporters, level exits, magic, CMD 41/42, and even stairs! If you haven't seen my video showcasing CMD 80 yet, check it out at the link below! (The adventure shown in the video is also included in the OpenWA download). ... owcase.mp4

Let me know if anyone finds any bugs.
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.0 Now Available!)

Post by nasko222 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:13 pm

i thought jutomi let the OpenWA current working team about my request? plus this thing gets updated once in a blue moon

also is WARCE patched?
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.0 Now Available!)

Post by nasko222 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:15 pm

also why dont we have the MNIK Editor as our editor?
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by nasko222 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:19 pm

Those features all sound really interesting! I'll look into adding them in the next update. :)

Behold the Better editor repo ... ter-editor
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.0 Now Available!)

Post by ILoveWonderland » Sun Jul 16, 2023 7:46 am

nasko222 wrote:
Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:13 pm
i thought jutomi let the OpenWA current working team about my request? plus this thing gets updated once in a blue moon

also is WARCE patched?
The WARCE was patched by Alex I believe. I'm not sure if you noticed but I was able to have one of the old repository's admins get your bettereditor branch from 2022 over to the new repository (most of the OpenWA team has already joined the new repository so hopefully one of them can implement your request). Also, while OpenWA releases hadn't been happening since Lazy Loof hasn't been active recently, I can make them more common while I'm heading the releases and there is demand.

While I do prefer MNIK's editor myself, I kept the OpenWA editor in the release since MNIK works on and releases his editor separately.

Thanks for the github link! I'll definitely look into implementing some of the features for the next OpenWA release.
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.0 Now Available!)

Post by nasko222 » Sun Jul 16, 2023 7:51 am

I'm not sure if you noticed but I was able to have one of the old repository's admins get your bettereditor branch from 2022
I didn't get any notification or anything, but thank you, just make sure to use the link i sent. I have older mod called "WA 096 and MOFI Better Editors" these are just editors without lag and with more features no players and no new objects
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.1 Now Available!)

Post by ILoveWonderland » Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:26 pm

I have released a small update (v10.4.1) that addresses nasko's concern with the camera by making the vertical camera transitions when walking up/down steps smoother. I have also (hopefully for good) fixed some shadows erroneously going underwater.
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.1 Now Available!)

Post by nasko222 » Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:41 pm

oh nice poggers, ill try it, but i do get motion sickness from particular games its issue with myself not the games, for example i just cant play super mario 64 for more than 10 mins
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.1 Now Available!)

Post by nasko222 » Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:37 am

alright so i tried your level and its much more pleasant and less motion sickerry, i like it, thank you for the change, about the level, im sorry again for not putting it higher, i just felt that it was missing few thingys.
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.1 Now Available!)

Post by ILoveWonderland » Thu Jul 20, 2023 10:43 pm

nasko222 wrote:
Tue Jul 18, 2023 8:37 am
alright so i tried your level and its much more pleasant and less motion sickerry, i like it, thank you for the change, about the level, im sorry again for not putting it higher, i just felt that it was missing few thingys.
No worries, I realize my entry was pretty simplistic, I just wanted to get the ball rolling on people creating adventures using CMD 80. :P
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.1 Now Available!)

Post by nasko222 » Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:53 am

Also one more small request that I've made in my "BetterOpenWA" on gitlab (which was the only change i did there past WASharp help xdxdxdxdxxxdxd) is main menu music option, an option where you can choose which song to play in the main menu so its not always song 8

Edit: apparently i added two more features too, which are not bad to have (shrug), the first one is an item that enables the cage blinking glitch throughout the entire level (please :D) and the other one is negative destructive magic (that one is less interesting)

Code: Select all

 player/menu/ |  2 +-
 player/menu/ |  9 ++++++++-
 player/menu/        |  2 ++                      |  6 +++++-
 6 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/player/menu/ b/player/menu/
index f6d8429..d79b95c 100644
--- a/player/menu/
+++ b/player/menu/
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ Data "Load Game","Select Saved Game:","","","","","","","","Cancel"
 ; 17 - profile name already exists
 Data "This Profile","Already Exists!","","Please Enter","A Different Name.","","OK","","",""
 ; 18 - options
-Data "Options","","Change Player","Mouse Control","Sound Volume: 5","Music Volume: 3","Text: Regular","Credits and Notes","Back",""
+Data "Options","","Change Player","Mouse Control","Sound Volume: 5","Music Volume: 3","Text: Regular","Credits and Notes","Menu Music: 1","Back"
 ; 19 exit to windows - are you sure
 Data "Exit to Windows","Are You Sure?","-------------","Yes, Please","No, Thanks!","","","","",""
 ; 20 - delete profile
diff --git a/player/menu/ b/player/menu/
index adc1234..1b04c47 100644
--- a/player/menu/
+++ b/player/menu/
@@ -2086,8 +2086,15 @@ Function UpdateOldMenu()
 					; credits
 				Case 8
+					;	change menu music
+					MenuMusicTrackOption=MenuMusicTrackOption+1
+					If MenuMusicTrackOption > 21 Then MenuMusicTrackOption=1
+					MenuText$(18,8)="Menu Music: "+MenuMusicTrackOption
+					MenuMusicTrack=MenuMusicTrackOption
+					PlaySoundFXNow(130)
+				Case 9
diff --git a/player/menu/ b/player/menu/
index 481e21e..7e0803c 100644
--- a/player/menu/
+++ b/player/menu/
@@ -776,6 +776,7 @@ Function StartMenu(menu)
 		WriteInt file,GlobalMusicVolume2
 		WriteInt file,KeyboardMode
 		WriteInt file,DialogContrast
+		WriteInt file,MenuMusicTrackOption
 		CloseFile file
 		If WAEpisode<>0 Or CompleteCustomHub
@@ -987,6 +988,7 @@ Function StartMenu(menu)
 		; volume
 		MenuText$(18,4)="Sound Volume: "+GlobalSoundVolume2
 		MenuText$(18,5)="Music Volume: "+GlobalMusicVolume2
+		MenuText$(18,8)="Menu Music: " +MenuMusicTrackOption
 		Select DialogContrast
 		Case 0
 			MenuText$(18,6)="Dialog: Normal"
diff --git a/ b/
index c9c0a0c..912f3c7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -598,6 +598,8 @@ Dim ConsoleData(6)
+Global MenuMusicTrackOption
@@ -616,6 +618,7 @@ If file=0
+	MenuMusicTrackOption=15
@@ -623,6 +626,7 @@ Else
+	MenuMusicTrackOption=ReadInt(file)
 	CloseFile file
@@ -645,7 +649,7 @@ If GlobalMusicVolume2>0
 	ElseIf WAEpisode=2
 	ElseIf CompleteCustomHub=False
-		MenuMusicTrack=15
+		MenuMusicTrack=MenuMusicTrackOption
 		MenuMusicTrack=CompleteCustomHubMenuTrack ;custom track

Code: Select all

Function LoadLevel(name$,complete,create)
; adventures-core
; adventures-define
	Global IsThereAFlipBridge,CageBlinking
; objects-core
Case 6
				; Teleport spell
				If GameObject(PlayerObject)\Dead=0
					If gamemode=5 Then CloseRucksack(8)
					If CageBlinking=False GameObject(PlayerObject)\Caged=False
					Case 243
		; Blink Barrel
		If GameObject(PlayerObject)\Dead=0
			If gamemode=5 Then CloseRucksack(8)
			If CageBlinking=False GameObject(PlayerObject)\Caged=False
	If GameObject(Dest)\ModelName$=""
	If GameObject(Dest)\ObjType=501 ; Cage Blinking Allower
	If create=False 
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates

Post by TheNamesJames » Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:14 pm

nasko222 wrote:
Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:19 pm
Those features all sound really interesting! I'll look into adding them in the next update. :)

Behold the Better editor repo ... ter-editor
annoying but in a good way 8) :stinkycool:Image
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.1 Now Available!)

Post by nasko222 » Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:16 pm

oh, I didn't know you're on the wonderland forums, hi james
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.1 Now Available!)

Post by TheNamesJames » Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:18 pm

nasko222 wrote:
Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:16 pm
oh, I didn't know you're on the wonderland forums, hi james
oh hi nasko
annoying but in a good way 8) :stinkycool:Image
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.1 Now Available!)

Post by nasko222 » Sat Aug 05, 2023 7:27 pm

i did some code changes to the latest OpenWA in (10.4.1 nasko) branch, whoever compiles the project might verify them and add them if you'd like
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.1 Now Available!)

Post by sodapop! » Fri Aug 11, 2023 10:46 pm

Can we request features?

If so, can we have it where like in the original WA trilogy we can "name" wlvs? In the official WA games, when you saved in certain wlvs, and looked at your save state, it would have the name of the hub area. I feel like it would be a neat touch for people in the process of making hubs to implement.
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.4.1 Now Available!)

Post by Lazy Loof » Sat Aug 12, 2023 2:16 am

sodapop! wrote:
Fri Aug 11, 2023 10:46 pm
Can we request features?

If so, can we have it where like in the original WA trilogy we can "name" wlvs? In the official WA games, when you saved in certain wlvs, and looked at your save state, it would have the name of the hub area. I feel like it would be a neat touch for people in the process of making hubs to implement.
This feature is already available since 10.3.0, in the hub editor select COMPLETE: YES which enables complete hub functionality and you can now name wlvs through page 2 of complete hub editor.
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.5.0 Now Available!)

Post by ILoveWonderland » Mon Oct 02, 2023 10:57 pm

OpenWA v10.5.0 is out! This version has a lot of new features, so I very much recommend updating! The link to the new version is in the first post of the thread. Have fun! And thanks to everyone that has contributed! :D
Insert stupid jokes here.
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.5.0 Now Available!)

Post by nasko222 » Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:44 am

There's a lag bug in the game with bigger adventures. For a comparison, here's a gameplay of "Nasko's Revenge Part 1" in 10.4.1-nasko and 10.5.0 ... -44-21.mp4

WINDOWS 10 LAG STRIKES AGAIN ?>!?!?!?!?!?1/1/1/1/???/2/213saduiwdauid


update: the lag bug has been fixed guys, joseppey will compile 10.5.1 soon i guess, he fixed it but he is struggling with another lag issue on his end
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Re: New OpenWA repository and Version Updates (v10.5.1 Now Available!)

Post by ILoveWonderland » Sun Nov 05, 2023 1:14 am

OpenWA version 10.5.1 has been released! The download link can be found in the first post of this thread. Tbh, despite the version numbering only going up by only 0.0.1 since the last release, there are still a lot of fixes and new features, :shock: so make sure to check out the changelog for everything new that's been added! :) As always, let me know if you find any bugs, compatibility issues with old adventures, and such.
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