Sorry for the delay in responding, but I was waiting to announce:
At long last,
Wonderland is available on Steam! It’s in beta status, so you’ll need a Steam key to access it. If you want to join the beta (which includes a free lifetime license), please submit
the Beta Test Signup form.
Here’s some information about Wonderland on Steam:
The Steam edition is a PC game, not a mobile port. It uses the keyboard and mouse, and has no mobile artifacts – there are no UI “bubbles”, ads, energy, IAPs, or joystick. Patrick has played it, and his first comments were how smooth it was, and how much more natural it felt to use the keyboard rather than a joystick.
The marquis feature of the Steam edition (and the reason Patrick agreed to its release) is its Level Editor. This is a brand-new, built-from-scratch, full-screen editor. It’s integrated with the game, so you can play a level while you’re editing it and edit a level you’re playing (though you can only save it to a new custom level – you can’t use the Level Editor to cheat). The Level Editor supports importing levels created for the original game and managing custom graphics (backgrounds, houses, models, and styles).
You can import custom graphics built for the original game, but due to changes in technology in the last twenty years, it’s necessary to edit custom models and styles before they can be imported. Detailed instructions are in the
Level Editor help.
You can export custom levels in the form of a .loof file, which includes the level file and any custom graphics it uses. You can distribute a .loof file like any other file, and import one with the Level Editor. Patrick will shortly be setting up a Wonderland Forum channel for discussion and distribution of S&L levels.
One thing you can’t yet do with a .loof file is import it into the mobile game. This will take a new release of the mobile game that I’ll begin working on once the Steam beta is running smoothly. I’m expecting to release mobile in the April-May timeframe.
BTW, the Steam edition includes every level from the classic trilogy. It also includes the platinum deluxe levels (called “Beyond Wonderland” in the game), Wonderland 101, and the Fifth Anniversary level set.
I hope you like it, and I’m looking forward to your comments!